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I got dressed and went to see my brother, Soviet, and China. "I'm ready!" I say while i ran towards them. All of us walk in the jet and sit down. I sit near China since North is sitting near Soviet. "Is this your first time on a jet? He asked. "Yeah," i reply, "I've seen jets but never went on one." "Well jets are planes but way faster." A lady comes and asks me and China, "Would you like anything?" "I'll like some water," i say. "Tea for me," he said. She nods and gives me water and him tea. "What's going on?" I ask. "The jet taking off," I looked outside, the jet went up into the air. I started panicking. He noticed and asked "Are you ok," "I never felt this way before," i said. He calmed me down for the flight.
Time skip
The jet landed and we walked out of it. Another country walked towards us. He had a yellow star on his face:
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"Hello there," he said, "I'm Vietnam." "Hi Vietnam!" I said cheerfully. Another country was behind him and walked towards me and shook my hand:
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"Hello," he said "Cuba..." I happily nod at him. All of us walked, to i assume, the meeting area. "Is this where the meeting takes place?" North nodded 'yes'. We walked in to see a lot of other countries. I just realized why my brothers were very over protective. I'm the only girl... I hid behind North when someone walked towards us. "Hello," he said,"Who are you?" I looked up at him.
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"I'm United Nations or UN if you prefer," he said. "I-I'm (Y/N)," i stuttered. "Hello (Y/N)," he said, "nice to meet you." Someone came running towards me, grabbed me and ran away with me. "GET BACK HERE WITH HER!" North yelled. He sat me down with two other counties.
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"You shouldn't be with those commies..." the guy who grabbed me muttered. He brought me to South. "You're ok!" he said. He came and hugged me. I pushed him back and walked towards North. "What?.." South starts, "Don't you miss me?" I hid behind North. "What did you do to her?!" South yelled at North. North responds to with "What did I do?," "It's what you did to her." South and the other guy was taken aback. "You're going stay with me, right?" South asked at me. I couldn't look at him the same way after what happened to me. "(Y/N)..." South said, "I'm sorry..." My face blew up in anger. (This is going to be in korean but I don't want to do google translate) "YOU EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU!" i yelled at the top of my lungs at him. "I COULD NEVER TRUST YOU AGAIN AFTER WHAT HAPPENED!" "I HATE YOU!" I slapped him as hard as i could and walked out of the room.
I hugged my knees and cried. He wanted to see me after he left me... I thought. Someone walked up to me and sat near me. "Are you ok, miss?" a little kid asked. I looked up at him.
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"Nothing's wrong..." i replied. "Are you sure?" He said, "You ran out of the room and started crying." I got up and patted his head. "Let's go find your parents, ok." I said. He nodded. He grabbed my hand and walked towards two more kids that were talking to each other.
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The notice us and walked towards us. "Hi," the cheerful one said, "I'm West Germany." The one who was being quite said "I'm East Germany..." He seemed a bit shy. The one kid who brought me to them. I didn't know his name. "What's your name?" I asked. He got shocked and said "Sorry," "I'm Russia!" "I'll take you to my dad!" They took me back to Soviet. "Hi Soviet!" I said. The three kids looked at me and Russia said "You know my dad?" I said, "Yeah," "I've meet him."
Time skip
After we all chatted a bit someone ran inside and yelled "THIRD REICH ESCAPED!"