North's pov
I walked to the room where my sister was eating at. I opened the door and saw her with new clothes on eating some food that my soldiers gave her. I walked towards her and grabbed a chair and sat down with her. She looked at me. "North," she said, "Why did South leave me there?" She started to tear up. "Does he hate me?" she asked "Is that the reason he left me?" I wiped a tear out of her eye. "No, It was only the capitalists fault." i replied. "Why would they do that?" She cried. I hugged her and patted her back. "Don't worry, they won't hurt you." She hugged me tighter and sobbed,"Please *sob* don't leave..." I patted her head and said "I promise," She looks at me and smiles with some tears in her eyes. "Woah!" China said, "I had no idea you had a soft side." I turned around to see China and Soviet looking at us. "China," Soviet said,"leave now." He walked up to us and said to me "I see that you care a lot for your sister," "you remind me of me and my son." What did he mean by that, i thought. "When you care for your sister," "don't show your enemies that." "They may use it against you." I know what he meant now. Third Reich almost tried to kill his children. I'll make sure of that.
One of my soldiers ran in and said, "There's going to be a world meeting," "The meeting is tomorrow." Wait what! I thought,Why tomorrow... "Get the jet ready!" I commanded. He nodded and ran. I got up but then I got grabbed by my sister. "Hmm?" I said. "Can i go with you?" She asked "please," "Fine..."i replied.
Chapter done UwU