Someone wanted an alternate ending
(Y/N)'s pov
I was frozen in fear of what i was in. I couldn't move. I looked at him. "Let me go," i said. I tried to move but i still couldn't get out of his grip. "What do we do with?" Third asked. "We'll blackmail her brothers," Imperial Japan said, "they'll be forced to do whatever we want..." Third grinned to what he said. "I'll be the one in charge of blackmailing them," he said, "in my favorite way~" "if you know what i mean~"
We heard a few rustle in bushes. Both of them looked at the area. China and a guy that looked like Imperial but without the stripes got out of the bushes. "Get away from her father..." he demanded. Imperial Japan brought out a katana. "Don't get in my way," he said, "Japan..." The guy who's Japan brought out his katana. China brought out his sword. Third bought out a gun.
He brought a gun to a sword fight...
China ran towards us and tried to slash IJ (I'll just write IJ instead of Imperial Japan). IJ moved away and dropped me. Japan grabbed me. "Run," China said. Japan tried to say something but he was cut off. "LEAVE NOW!" China yelled.
Japan grabbed me and we ran off. We kept running. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To my house..." he responded.
Time skip...
We were at his house i guess... He put me on the couch and asked, "Are you hungry?" I nodded 'yes'. He went into the kitchen and made some food. He came back with some ramen. "Here," he said. He gave me it. He sat down with me. "Will China be ok?" i asked with a worried tone. He put his hand on my arm and said "He'll be alright," I finished the noodles and put the bowl down on the coffee table. I hugged him. "Hm!" he muttered. "Please don't leave..." i muttered. He hugged back. I fell asleep on him.
Japan's pov
She cuddled on me. She is cute but God knows what would happen if her brothers found out. It was relaxing. I fell asleep also...
"WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER?!" I jerked up to see North and South Korea yelling at me. America was holding South back and China was holding North back. Soviet is holding Third with a gun pointing at Third's head. Same with Britain with my dad. This was just great...