Some Info

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This story is inspired by many of these great works I've read, I strongly recommend checking them out. (Father And Son by BNHACinnamonroll) (The Legendary Hero by deku_analysis) (My Son is my Successor by LilyTheSvage420) and (Deku's Angel Quirk by Eh_Pocky)

Now, In this story, Izuku Toshinori gained an extremely powerful quirk called: "ArchAngel" which should explain itself pretty well, he has powers almost like an angel.

In this AU All Might is still at his prime which means he doesn't have his entire stomach gone yet. 

And yeah All Might/Toshinori Yagi is Izuku's Dad. I hope you all enjoy my first fanfic. 

P.S ik all might's last name is yagi but Toshinori sounds and suits better so. :)

ArchAngel Izuku Toshinori (halted)Where stories live. Discover now