Chapter 3 - First Encounters

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Mustafa, Japan, Just Outside Of U.A High

Third P.O.V

"So, you ready?" Toshinori asks the little green-haired boy who seems to have stars shining out from his eyes staring at the huge structure in front of him, "Yeah! Lwet's go! I can't wait to meet your fwends!" 

The two slowly walks towards the main entrance and Toshinori then brought Izuku who held his hand in with him to the teacher's lounge, as soon as they opened the door, they were greeted by teachers of U.A. "Hello Dad Might." Aizawa teased the mommet they went in, "AWW, Look at you~" Nemuri squeaked as she rushed towards the little greenette, chocking him into a hug in the process. "What's your name little one~" "I-Izuku T-Toshinori" Izuku replied still feeling uncomfortable with all the attention. "Ahm alright, Izuku, the lady in front of you is the pro hero midnight, Nemuri Kayama, the one with the scarf and creepy smile is Shouta Aizawa, pro hero Eraser Head. This is Nezu, the principle of U.A and this is present Mic, Hizashi Yamada." All might said as he pointed to each of the teachers in the room, Izuku hearing that all of them are his favorite pro heroes jumps up and down in excitement, "Are you actually all heroes?" Izuku asked in excitement. "Yeah, that right little might! you can call my Aunty Nemuri!" "O-Okay! Aunty-Nemuwi." Izuku replies and soon after got a huge hug from midnight as she squeaks on how cute he is careful without hurting his wings. "Omg, you've got the whitest wings, can I touch them?" she asked but touched anyways before Izuku could respond, 'so soft..' she thought in her head. "And... And! Can I call you uncle?" Izuku asked the tired man leaning against the wall. "sure, why not." Aizawa answered to everyone's surprise. "O-Okay,                  Uncle z-Zawa!" Nemuri bursts out into laughter as Toshinori gave a smirk. "Alright Alright, we'll do a bit more catch up later, for now, let's get the main point," Nezu said as All Might nod in agreement along with the other two who are running their fingers through Izuku's Wing Feathers.  "I propose that we let young Izuku train with all of the other U.A students to help him get a better understanding and control over his quirk, it'll help guide him towards being a hero."  "I have no objections, it's a definite yes from me." All Might replies, "Nothing from us! we're all goods" Midnight exclaimed. "Alright then, Young Izuku will study alongside Aizawa's class."

(HUUUGE Time Skip to Izuku being 12 years old)

Mustafa Private Middle School

"Alright class, as you all know today we have a new student coming in."

"Oh yeah! I hope he's gonna be cool!" 

"I hope he's cute." A bunch of girls from the front of the class said to each other

"I hope he's manly" A certain Black haired dude with a hardening quirk said.

"I just hope he's nice"


"Alright class quiet down." The teacher said standing at the front of the class.

The class did as she said and the teacher told the boy standing outside to come in, "Alright you can come in and introduce yourself to the class now. A 5'5 tall green-haired boy with green shining emerald eyes with a pair of angel wings behind his back walks into the room, "Ah h-hi everyone, my name is Izuku Toshinori, it's a pleasure to meet you all!" the girls at the front of the class squeaks, "Omg yes he's so cute" "Yeah I know right!" "look at those wings, he looks like an angel!" The girls all talked within themself while a few boys at the back aren't as happy, "Eh look at him he's got all the girls already." 

"Alright, Toshinori, take the seat next to Mina Ashido, she's the class rep." The teacher said as she points towards a pink girl with horns on her upper forehead. "Hi! I'm Mina Ashido, Nice to meet you." Mina jumps up from her desk and went to the front of the class shaking Izuku's hand, "Y-yeah, it's nice to meet you too." Izuku replied putting one hand behind his head. "Alright take a seat Toshinori and we'll carry on with our lesson. 

(After the morning periods, lunch bell)

"Hey! Toshinori, why don't you come and sit with us!" A black-haired boy said with Mina already next to him, "Sure!" Izuku walks over to the two and sat down with them, "My name's Kirishima, Eijiro Kirishima." The boy said putting out a hand for Izuku to shake, "I'm Toshinori, Izuku Toshinori, it's nice to meet you Kirishima." Izuku went and shook his hand much to Kirishima's delight, "so, what's that angelic wings of yours, what kind of quirk do you have." Mina suddenly asks with a face full of  curiosity, "well.. my quirk is named ArchAngel an.." "Hey, you're the new kid, heard you're pretty cool, come over and hang out with us, don't waste time with these useless bunch." Izuku turned around to see a boy around his age with what seems like a gang behind him. "Hey! That's not very nice?" Kirishima said as the confronts the gang of kids, "ahh, I'm Izuku Toshinori Nice to meet you but these are my friends you just insulted." Izuku stood up as he walks towards the big school bullies, "Hey man it's okay let's just go don't mess with them." Kirishima tries to stop him but Izuku expands his wings and a glow appears on them, "so you're the school bullies, tell me, what's the reason for your actions." by this time a crowd was gathering around them, "what the hell are you talking about new kid, who do you think you are." "No-one, now idk what your reasons are for being mean to random people but I suggest you stop before you have to face the consequences," Izuku said with a serious face as he flaps his wings giving off a massive wind force as a warning, the bullies stood back and some of them started to run away, "H-have mercy I-I'm s-s-sorry." the gang leader bearly got out as he runs towards the back of a building, the crowd explode in cheers, amazed with how fast the new kid scared the school bully, "Wow, thanks man, that was super manly." Kirishima said while giving Izuku a fist bump, "hah, no worries, I do want to be a hero after all."                                                             _______________________________________________________________________________

casually thinking about how this story is gonna go while drinking milk, sees 151 reads, "spits out milk anime style"

But seriously tho, thank you all. 

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