Chapter 1 - A Gift?

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Toshinori Household, Musutafu, Japan

Third-Person POV

"Still a big fan of All Might huh?" Toshinori asks Izuku seeing him in a onesie of his own hero outfit, "Yeh! He da coolest in da universe!" Izuku jumps up and down on his bed with his statement. "Haha, calm down you'll break the bed, little might." Toshinori said as he picks him up from his bed. "One day, I'll grow up and be jus wike him!!!" Toshinori smirks hearing this as he turns around to hear his wife calling from the kitchen, "Toshi, have you gotten Izu out of bed yet?" "Yes, hon! Just a min!" Toshinori Responded. "Now, c'mon don't wanna keep your mother waiting now, do you." Izuku shakes his head left and right relentlessly at his father, "Nu!"

Toshinori carries Izuku to the kitchen where there is chocolate flavored All Might waffles with ice cream on top waiting for Izuku. A Gasp would be heard from Izuku as he sees what's waiting for him on the dining table, "Wa-Waffless!!?" "Yay!" Inko walks up to Izuku and pinches Izuku's left cheek lightly, "yep, Waffles." "Now, eat up!" Inko said as the two adults watch Izuku dig into his food.

Once he finished with his breakfast, Inko giggled seeing his messy mouth and wipes it with a wet tissue, "Now, Izuku, you're a big man, you gotta learn to be less messy when eating?" Izuku giggles as Inko picks him up and carrying him over to the sink and turns on the water, "now, put your hands out mister." Izuku nods and went to put his hands out over the sink. "Like dis?" Inko nods and puts some soap onto his palms, making him rub his hands against each other for a good 20 seconds and then running it into the water.

"Now go to your papa so you can get ready to go over to Katsuki's house for the morning" "Haiiii!" Izuku said with a bright smile on his face, Toshinori then kneeled down next to him, "C'mon let's get you dressed up for the appointment" Izuku takes his father's hand and is lead back to his own room where Toshinori will help Izuku dress up. Around 15 minutes later, Toshinori came out with Izuku and went by the living room, "He's ready!" Toshinori loudly claims as they walked towards the front door, Inko went up to both of them and gave them kisses on their cheek, "Alright then! Be quick so we can prepare for Izuku's Party and the 'Big Suprise'." Toshinori nods, grabbing his car key and headed for the door with Izuku. "I bet you're excited about your party, aren't ya?" Izuku bounces around at the question, "Ya! I can't wait! And I hope dat I have an awesome quirk too!"

Toshinori opens the back door of his car and setting Izuku into the seat in the back. "Oh! That's right, Izuku! your quirk should manifest today. I bet it'll be awesome too buddy." He gave a smile to the boy which reminded him of All Might before shutting the door and getting into the driver's seat. Once they arrived at the Bakugos, Katsuki was waiting in front of the house for Izuku and once Izuku got off the car gave each other a huge hug and did their own little fist bump thingy. "I'll pick you guys up for the party at 3 pm alright?" Toshinori said after greeting the Bakugos "Alright daddy!" Izuku replied as he and Katsuki went into the house to play games and eat snacks waiting for the Party to be set up.

(Time Skip To 3 pm)

Toshinori pulls up to the front gate as Katuski and Izuku walked out with their little backpacks, Izuku obviously had an All Might backpack. He roles down the side window and said to the two boys to hop in, the two happily run over to the car and excitedly climbing in. Toshinori turns back to look at them, "You guys ready?" "Yeah! Party time!" Izuku said with pure excitement in his voice. They arrived back at the Toshinori Household a few minutes later, once they pulled in and Toshinori Parks, the two boys quickly jumps out of the car. Toshinori quickly runs after the boys after he got out. Once they got to the front door, Toshinori smiles down at the two very excited boys, "Don't barge in and accidentally run over everything alright?" "Got It!" Katsuki replied as Toshinori lets them in. The boys walked in and Inko, along with Katsuki's parents pop-out from behind the wall as the lights came on, "Happy Birthday, Izuku!" Seeing this Izuku smiles at the sight and cheers, "Yayy! Happy Birthday To Me!!" They all smiled at the little green cinnamon-role as he ran towards the living room with Katsuki. The two boys sit on the sofa with Izuku on the birthday chair.

"So sweetie, which one first? Presents or cake?" Izuku thinks a bit before answering, "Pw-Pwesents!" Inko nods and turns to Toshinori, "Right away." He responds near-instantly, jogging off to go grab Izuku's presents which have been hidden until now, he comes back with his arms full of presents as Izuku smiles while a smirk can be seen on Katsuki's face, knowing that all of them would have something related to All Might.

Izuku reaches for the first present when he fells a massive sudden pain on his back, "Aghhh! Mm-m-m-my b-back!" he shouted out in pain as he fell onto the ground, immediately everyone rushed towards him, "IZUKU!" Inko shouted as she quickly kneeled down beside Izuku. "lift his shirt up." Toshinori said with a worried tone, Katsuki quickly lift his shirt up and saw two verticle scars forming on his back and bleeding. Toshinori thought for a few seconds then transforming into his hero form taking off his jacket revealing a certain young hero leaving Katsuki and his mum Mitsuki in shock as he picked up Izuku and rushed towards a nearby hospital with inhuman speed, "Hold on there my boy, hold on."


After finishing this chapter I realized I might've been a bit too inspired as I read it over, cause it sounds oddly similar to another fanfic I read. Comment down below if you spot any mistakes.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

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