Chapter 8 - Class 1 A

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"Izuku, do you have everything you need?"


"And your special uniform?" 

"I have it! I'm going to be late. I have to hurry since I can't use my wings."

"Have a good day Izuku!"

"You too mum!"

(After a while)

"Class 1- A.. Class 1-A.... After all these years I've never visited the first-year levels, ugh...." Izuku mumbles as he runs down the hallway, "Ah! There it is!" Izuku says as he opens the huge classroom door with a huge 1-A inched onto it. 

"Don't put your feet on the desk!" The tall sonic said pointing at a specific blond-haired dude with his feet up on the table, 'Oh please, spare me, god.' Izuku thought as he enters the classroom.


"Don't you think that's rude to the U.A upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?"

"Nope. What junior high did you go to, you side character?"

"I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida."

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you."

"Crushing? That's not very heroic." 

"Alright, that's enough you two, let's just all be friends I mean C'mon." Izuku breaks in gaining the attention of the classroom, specifically the attention of a particular ponytail girl. "Y-you're the one placed highest from the entrance exam? Izuku Toshinori was it? Nice to have you?" Iida says as he moves towards Izuku with robotic-like arms. "Ah yeah, nice to meet you all." Izuku replies as the rest of the class starts talking to each other, "Oh my god, is he like an angel, look at those glowing wings, and those emerald eyes." A pink-skinned girl said, "You're the guy who got 1200 points?! Legit how?" Another Pikachu looking dude said, "A-ah I'll answer you're questions later, just let me go in would ya?" Izuku pleads as half of the class backs off. 

"Izuku?!" A female voice called out from behind, Izuku turns around and saw a girl near the back of the class with a black ponytail and beautiful black onyx eyes. "Momo?" Izuku says surprised, "It's been so lon-" Izuku was cut off suddenly with two arms wrapped around his body, "It's been so long!" Momo excitedly says right before she backs off with a deep blush on her cheeks. "Yeah, it sure has been a very long 2 months," Izuku replies teasingly on which the rest of the class stood there confused. 'Izuku?' half of the class says in unison as a pink girl starts to point at Izuku and momo back and forth. "Oh we meet while back, and ah, we're u-uhm.." Izuku manages to say before he goes into tomato mode and completely loses it. "We're d-dating." Momo manages to say as her face also goes into tomato mode. 

"WHAT?!" almost everyone in class shouts out apart from a white and red-haired dude at the back and Katsuki who had a smirk on his face. "Just like that the school's cutest girl/boy is taken?" A little purple dude with grape-like hair starts to shake Izuku asking him how as Mina sat there contemplating life decisions. "Stop showing off Deku, we get it," Katsuki says gaining attention from the class. "Says the one salty of coming second place." Izuku teased, "Tch, you're the one who got first place even tho you got in with recommendations from All Might."

"WHAT?!" The class blows up again, this time multiple people shaking Izuku before momo pulls him out saving him from certain death. "Thanks, Momo, I could've so died in there."

"Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends." An all too familiar voice calls out from behind us, "This is the hero cours-" The yellow caterpillar was cut off before receiving a cut from a certain greenette, "UNCLE ZAWA!" Izuku shouts out, completely surprising his classmates yet again. 'Uncle Zawa?'

"Oh I use to visit here a lot when I was little and my dad works as a pro hero and they're good friends." 

"Oh hey, Problem Child, could you get off me now?"

"O-Oh sorry." 

"Anyways, as I was saying, I'm your homegroup teacher, Shouta Aizawa, Nice to meet you all." 

"It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field. Oh and Izuku, since you're the most powerful and because of your wings, did you bring your special uniforms?" Aizawa says as he pulls out a U.A sports uniform. "Yes, Uncle I did." "STRONGEST IN THE SCHOOL?" the class blows up yet AGAIN, "Yeah, My Izuku is the best!" momo claims excitedly, earning a kiss on the forehead from Izuku. "OMG DAMARE(Means shut up in Japanese)!" Aizawa shouts as his eyes turn red and his hair floating up as the class silences, "Now as I was saying get changed and meet me out on the field and Izuku, momo, you two stop it! I don't like it!" "Makes me contemplate life.........." 

"What was that sensei!"

"Wtf you talking about, MOVE!" 


"A quirk assessment test?!" The class shouts in unison after Aizawa's words.  "What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" Ururaka asks in confusion. "If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events," Aizawa replies.

"U.A's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes."

"You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their Quirks. It's not rational."

"Well, the ministry of Education is procrastinating. Izuku, you finished at the top of the practical exam even tho you're a recommended student, right?" 

"In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?

"80 meters," Izuku replies. "Then, try doing it with your Quirk, but only at 10 percent, I don't want you destroying the school," Aizawa asked on which the entire class collapses into chatter, "May I ask why sir, isn't that a little unfair?" Iida asks the sleep-deprived teacher. "Well Izuku can destroy All Might with 20 percent, so there you have it." "WHAT?" the class erupts into chatter and was once again silenced by Aizawa. "Gosh you kids, Izuku, you'll have to explain everything after this, I don't want to deal with whats and hows constantly." Izuku only nods to this as he walks forward getting a softball from Aizawa. "Alright, everyone get something to hold onto," Aizawa says confusing everyone except Bakugo who ran back and held onto a pole and Momo who created a S.W.A.T shield and a pole and sticks it to the ground. 

"Alright, Here I Go," Izuku says as he places his right hand with the ball in it, aiming it vertically 45 degrees up. "Heavy Support: Superior Shine, Heavy Assault: Energy Concentration," Izuku says just loud enough for everyone to hear as a bright battle armor appears around him. "5%...10%...15%....20!" Izuku mumbles as my arm shines a white Aura, "BLAST OFF." I shout as I threw the ball, it vanishing right afterward from sight as a huge shockwave followed by wind pressure erupts from Ground Zero, blowing everyone back towards the edge of the field, after 20 seconds of pure chaos, the class regathers around Izuku staring at him in awe, "W-w-w-what w-was that t-Yoshinori." The human Pikachu says. "W-what did he g-get?" Momo asks recovering from the shockwave, Aizawa gets up, holding his cracked recorder. "It says.. ERROR, Izuku broke the speed and distance limit," Aizawa says as the class froze in shock, "Alright. Whoever comes in last in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion." 


"We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to U.A's hero course!"

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