Chapter 23

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•Cassie's P.O.V•

My phone started ringing. It was Jack. "Jack I knew she wouldn't like Mas" I said picking up. "Cassie please just listen" he said. "There is no way she's going to let you move here" I said sitting on my bed. "Cassie just let me explain." He said again. "What am I suppose to tell Mason? That his grandma doesn't love him." I said beginning to cry. "Cassie don't cry I can't hear you sad. Please listen" he said calmly. I calmed down as he explained everything to me. "Jack I wish you were here right now" I said getting up and walking to my bedroom door. I opened it to see Jack standing there. "Me too" he said hanging up. I threw my arms around his neck. "Hi Jack" I said. "Hi Cass" he said hugging me. "I'm home" "I know" I said smiling. "Mommy are we going to go to little sitsserland for Christmas?" Mason asked standing at our feet. "Oh my gosh Mas that's right" I said picking him up. "What?" Jack asked confused. "Every year we've gone to little Switzerland for Christmas because of the snow" I explained. "Mas I'm sorry buddy but we are gonna stay here this year" I said watching the smile drain off his face. "But no snow?" he asked. "No Mason I'm sorry buddy" I said. He jumped down and ran downstairs. It hurt so much to see him sad. I sighed. "Cassie it's ok, now let's get the guys and set the tree up and stuff. Christmas Eve is tomorrow and we have stuff to do. I nodded and we went downstairs. "Hey why aren't you guys moving?" Jack asked. I guess they were suppose to be moving into a house next door. "GREAT NEWS! It sold so Matt is letting us move in downstairs." Nash said. My far went blank. "But there's only like 4 bedrooms down there" I said hopeful they would change there minds. "Yeah so Nash and Cam, Aaron and Shawn, JJ and Sammy, Taylor and Carter and when Hayes comes to visit he can stay with whoever" Matt said. I nodded "cool." It wouldn't be that bad. "Hey so we are gonna set up the tree and stuff" Jack said. They all nodded and got up beginning to help.

2 hours later and everything was good to go. The guys began to put all their presents for everyone under the tree. I hadn't seen Mason for awhile so I went to find him. I went up to his room. "Mas" I asked peeking my head in. He was sitting by the window looking at the backyard, without snow. "How come we can't go to the snow house?" He asked. "Because mommy is finally off training and wants to spend it down here with the family at our house" I said walking over to him and crouching in front of him. "I miss the snow" he said. "I do too, let's go watch a movie and help the guys move in downstairs. Okay?" I asked. He nodded. I grabbed the red beanie Matt gave him and I stuck it on his head. He smiled and we went downstairs.

•Jacks P.O.V•

Mason was really down about the whole no snow Christmas. I felt horrible. I hated seeing him sad and it was making Cassie sad too. We were all downstairs in the living room/ movie room watching some Christmas movie. I think it was polar express or something. Mason was already asleep and Cassie was really close to falling asleep. The guys were all all separating to go to there bedrooms and so that's what we did. "Matt wanna grab Cassie?" I asked him. He nodded. He grabbed Cassie and I grabbed Mason. They were already in there pajamas so that was easy. I tucked Mason in and slipped his beanie off and set it on his side table. I kissed his forehead and shut his door. I walked into our bedroom as Matt walked out. "Night Espinosa" I said. "Night Jack." I crawled into bed and dosed off to sleep. I was so excited to spend Christmas with Cassie.

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