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TeardropSlime/Sludge/CapsuleSplash/Splash/CornflowerWater Common eyes

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Water Common eyes

Teardrop is a female contestant in Battle for Dream IslandBattle for Dream Island Again, and Battle for BFDI.


Teardrop's personality is/has been shrouded in mystery as she is either unable to speak or prefers not to do so. However, she is portrayed as slightly competitive and fairly smart.

Teardrop can also be considered enthusiastic and impulsive, as seen in "Take the Plunge: Part 1", when she kicked Woody without thinking about the consequences, and when she pushed Rocky from the balance beam at full speed, causing her to fall off too. In "Today's Very Special Episode", this is showcased when she excitedly jumps at Four in an attempt to make-over him. Her impulsiveness is also demonstrated in "Zeeky Boogy Doog", when she quickly chose the HPRC over the immunity into the final 15 without even thinking twice after being told she didn't need it. This also shows how she isn't hard to persuade.

Teardrop tends to get picked on and hassled by the other contestants because she doesn't speak. She seems to often be testy with her inability to speak and also doesn't do so even when it puts her in danger, such as when Liy attempted to make her speak by forcing Ice Cube to wiggle her vocal cords, which clearly caused Teardrop discomfort. This shows that she likely doesn't choose to remain silent.

Teardrop could also be considered mischievous, as seen in "The Four is Lava" when she has a happy thought of breaking windows with a hammer.

Official Character Guide biography

Teardrop is a mysterious character. That's because she doesn't want to, or cannot speak.

She can be impulsive, as she was when she kicked Woody without thinking of the consequences. She fell off a balance beam when she pushed off someone else. Teardrop is also smart and competitive.

Teardrop is one of the most divisive characters, with campaigns to both keep her and to eliminate her running strong in 2012. The elimination campaign won.

You Don't Say!: Teardrop has spoken as many times as Roboty's chest compartment has been opened.


One of Teardrop's signature characteristics is her inability to speak. She communicates with facial expressions, gestures, and movement. She often is teased or hassled by her colleagues many times due to this.


Lasers: Teardrop is shown to be able to fire lasers from her fingers, although only in the episode "Zeeky Boogy Doog". The lasers don't appear very harmful, only leaving a scorch mark on the Challenge Wheel. So far, she has only used it as an alternative means to communicating.

Water absorption: Teardrop is shown to be able to absorb tears into her body. They don't appear to affect her drastically, only making her smile.

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