Lightning Rare eyesSilly USB, labeled The #1 Best Buddy, is a contestant who competed on Object Universe as one of the 3 late debuters, along with and Display co Ball. He is currently competing on Object Twoniverse.
USB's Personality
Silly Usb is a character who is obsessed with 'Best Buddies'. He appears to be extremely friendly and slightly insane, shown to having a slightly calmed down conflict with Window (like nearly all the new contestants) from season 1. He thinks he doesn't deserve to win, and he normally is completely selfless and only cares about others. except, when window announced that it's a contestants vote show, usb says that he is disliking the episode which is "Now with a B"
Disco Ball
Ice Common eyesDisco Ball is a female contestant that competed on Object Universe. She was one of the three to debut late in the game, along with Remote and USB.
Ice Cream
Ice Uncommon eyesMrs. Ice Cream, labeled The Loner, is a female former contestant that competed on Object Universe. She made it to the Finale, and won in one of the three endings. She got the money at the end of two, with Cup getting the money in the other ending and she's only friends with map!.
Object Show Flight Rising 1
FanfictionVarious object show characters as dragons from Flight Rising As I add characters from different object shows that show will be added to the tags If you think I could have done a design better I am open to criticism! I'd LOVE to hear feedback about t...