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Aaliyah JaLaiah Starke POV

"Get the fuck off me cause you making me mad bruh" I said mugging him "Lay you getting mad for no fucking reason"

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"Get the fuck off me cause you making me mad bruh" I said mugging him "Lay you getting mad for no fucking reason"

"No cause if i said i wanna get you pregnant, guess what the fuck you gone do?" I asked sizing him and before he could respond "thats right you gone lay you ass down and lemme but my seed in you the fuck"

He smacked his teeth and pulled his pants up before grabbing his phone. "Lemme know when you off this dumb shit" he told me as he went towards the door. How you gone leave me at yo house?

I got up and put on my shoes. Once he opened the door I ran past him "shot gun" i said running to the front seat.

"I'll be damned if i let a good nigga wit good dick walk out my life" i said as i buckled my seat belt.

I saw him walk out the house looking sexy as fuck like who the fuck you doing allat for.

"Try again, get the fuck out them sweatpants" i yelled out the window.

"Mmcht you syked out a nigga look too good to be changing ya heard me" he said smiling while rubbing his hands together.

"Get yo ass in this car for one of them bitches see you, while you out hea half way naked and shit dick looking like its on rock got me fucked up" i snapped while mumbling the last part. He got in the car and I pulled off.

We had been riding for a good five minutes and I still wasn't talking to him. I really can't believe he been showing out today first i can't get him pregnant, then he was finna leave me, now he wanna showcase my dick.

"That shit just ghetto" i said while taking one hand off the steering wheel and leaning my head on it.

"Lay pull up ta that circle k right dea" he said pointing to my left making me nod and switch lanes. I pulled up to a pump and went to go get gas and some snacks.

When I went in the store Tada and Tooda. I turned around and seen Damiri walking towards the store. "Fuck" i cursed making Tada and Tooda look up at me and walk towards me.

"Wassup Lay Lay what you doing hea?" Tooda asked. "Nothing just came in hea to get some gas and some snacks"

"Oh which pump you at?"

"5" i said trying to keep it short.

"Why its a nigga lookin in yo car?" Tada asked causing me to turn around and see Damiri patting his pockets while looking through the car.

"I- uh"

"I uh what?" He said mocking me.

"Mmcht yall can't keep doing this bruh I'm 18 now, I can do what I want. As long as he aint hurting me why yall so pressed?"

"Cause ain't no nigga ever gone be good for my lil sista, ight? Now introduce that lil ugly nigga ta us" Tooda answered.

Right on cue Damiri walked in not even noticing Tada and Tooda mean asses mugging the fuck outta him.

"Aye bae how much yo car take?"

"$45" Tada said while flaring his nostrils still mugging him.

"I- Lay who these niggas is?"

"We them niggas thats gone rock yo shit if you hurt ha" Tooda said stepping closer to Damiri. "Oh yall must be ha family or some shit" he said looking unfazed.

"Yea we ha big bruhdas. Who you be?" Tada asked looking uninterested in this conversation while he leaned on the chip rack opening a bag of hot fries.

"He go by Mir" i said before he could answer.

"We ain't ask what he go by, we asked who he is as in what his mama named him"

"My name Damiri Wilcox"

"Oh shit you Diamond bruhda ainna?" Tada asked before his hard act turned kind of soft, well all of us started to get sad.

Diamond used to be with us everyday, he was really the light of the group. He kept everyone smiling and happy.

My first time getting shot, it was just me and him, we aint have our phones on us or no wheels, the opps pulled up and start clutching really caught us off guard.

I got shot twice and he got shot in his arm. He picked me up and ran all the way to the hospital carrying me. The next day he was leaving to go get some clothes since he stayed with me but got shot and killed in front of the hospital.

"Yea that was my brotha" he responded.

"Damn I'm sorry for your big bruh" Tooda said.

I didn't even say anything, everytime they brought him up i completely shut down. I blamed myself for his death. I walked to the car and just broke down.

I started the car and just pulled off. Diamond was my best friend. He basically lost his life trying to make sure i was good. I don't even remember him getting checked on.

Its been a year and it still hurts like it happened yesterday.

Twenty-five minutes later...

"Take one of mines and i'll make sure we all cry"

Fa! Fa! Fa!

(A/N: imagine this sounding like a gunshot)



alright yall sorry of this chapter boring or all over the place.

i just wanted to put something out for yall 😭

i just wanted to put something out for yall 😭

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Bye Bye 😗

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