Part 5:

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(Flashback to way, way back when the damn zombie apocalypse was going around world-wide still.) i was usually careful when i was doing anything outside of my camp, and never gotten myself hurt by a single human enemy or bitten/scratched *or even worse!!!!!* from a zombie just yet and today i have decided that i wanted to go scavenge around the whole city by myself this morning cause i was feeling bored; but all i've heard was this "no Steph it's too dangerous for you to go alone, you'll get hurt or even worse out here!!!!!" from my dad Rick "hey don't you dare worry about me father, i can take care of myself because i'm gonna come back all in one piece soon okay?????" i said back to him and then we hugged each other tightly, as well as i had with everybody else too (and i hugged my brother too even though Carl didn't exactly deserve my affectionate side most likely at all-----and then i gave another one to my dear sweet little sister Judith as well.....) before i had to leave *a couple of minutes later, after i had finished saying my good-byes to everybody and hugging, i packed up everything that i needed for my first scavenge run alone by myself!!!!!* "ugh i can only hope that i can grab as much things as i possibly can without interruptions from anything else that's been happening around me, cause those damn zombies who are just roaming around looking for victims & food are just useless pieces of crap that have been resurrected!!!!!" i said to myself while making a loud scoff noise & then a very quiet giggle only for me to hear: "hmm, i wonder if i should keep this one for myself----yeah that sounds like a good idea----also don't let Carl or anybody else know about it!!!!!" i told myself while grabbing something off the highest shelf of a store i was in and putting it inside of my bag and zipped it shut, (yeah i was at a store for my first place to begin my scavenging adventure if you wanna call it in that way.....) "okay i think i've got everything from here, let me check....uh-huh i certainly do, now i have to check around more places to scavenge for some more stuff!!!!!" i said to myself. *time-skip* "phew that was a very close one, but at least i've only got a couple of wounds and bruises from getting attacked by a herd of those ugly walking corpses, and hopefully nobody is going to notice them just yet.....and i don't even wanna explain this bull-s**t!!!!!!!" i whispered softly to myself and made a chuckle because of my extreme use of salty & bad language. *as i looked at my arms, tummy & legs where they got all scratched up and bruised pretty bad from getting attacked....ooops that's what i actually kind of deserve now, but i'm hoping that i don't end up turning into a zombie yet before i get back to my camp!!!!!!* "OKAY yeah i think i had fun going around the city & collecting all these stuff....but now i just need to find a good place to rest up before heading back to camp.....oh damn it i'm so freaking exhausted gosh why did this have to drain me out so quickly?!?!" i told myself while letting out an exhausted sigh and stretched my arms then heard a loud 'crack' then i mumbled "oh yeah that felt so good, i need to do that more often after whatever i've been doing....mostly whenever i wanna get out and start another scavenge run!!!!!!" to myself; and now i am off to see my camp again, meet with all those who i do know & love, but ignore and give the cold shoulder treatments and bird flips to the others who i don't. (such as: Daryl, Shane, Morales, and whoever the hell the others are!!!!!!) and then right after setting foot into my own camp, i was happily greeted by my parents and siblings first as the other people didn't notice my appearance yet "Hi mother and father, i am back from my scavenge run....but i'm quite sure that you guys missed me since i had left...." i said after we hugged very tightly "hello to you as well my dear, and yes we did miss you!!!!!" my mom Lori told me "yup and i'm also sure that Carl & Judith missed you too!!!!!" my dad replied "yay Steph is home.....i missed you so much big sissy!!!!!!" my little sister Judy said as she hugged me very tightly after hearing my voice "yeah i am home, and of course i missed you too Judith!!!!!!" i told her while doing the same thing back with her on my lap. "oh good she's home....i thought she got killed out here, but it looks like i was totally wrong!!!!" Carl told himself: "hello to you brother dear, did you miss me or have you wanted to see me dead & gone forever??????" i asked him "umm of course i missed you sister dearest....i never wanted to see you like that at all....why would i think of that?!?!" he said back nervously "good because if you ever said the complete opposite-----i would have planned on making you suffer until your death!!!!!!" i replied with my fists clenched and bared an evil smile at him. (yeah i was threatening my own brother for a somewhat good apparent reason, cause why the hell should i not bother on doing that bull-crap anyway?!?!) "yeah Coral i agree with Steph, but i hope it's in the worst kind of way possible for you------big brother!!!!!" Judy explained while making the same face and gesture like me, and even sneering at him too! *but nobody seemed to notice Carl's terrified & shocked reaction to my reply....nor did try anything to help him out!!!!!!* then suddenly i felt something like pulse in my hand and it moved by itself, which surprised & then made me tear up because it scared me half way to death "w-what is wrong with me? what did i just do?" i asked myself "Steph i think you just had twitched....but don't you dare worry it cannot be that bad!" my mom Lori said to me while she put her arm on my shoulder "i hope your actually right about it mother, because i cannot handle another one happening right now!!!!!" i told her "okay jeez it looks like she has Turrets or something, so i think it's a big deal!!!!!" Carl explained "shut the hell up Carl, that's not appropriate to be speaking to your own sister like that!!!!!" Judy snarled at him, but which made it so much worse for me cause i started crying really hard after what he just said about me; "NOW JUST LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE, YOU MADE STEPH CRY....I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR DOING THAT BULL-S**T!!!!!!!" she growled while hitting Carl a lot of times everywhere! (especially across his face and leaving a big red hand mark on him.) "OUCH stop hitting me so much Judith!!!!!" our idiot brother said while tryna block her hits. "NO WAY, NOT UNLESS YOU APOLOGIZE TO STEPH ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE JUST SAID TO HER!!!!!!" She told him while still yelling and pointing at me (while i was now just sniffing quietly and wiping my face and eyes clean of dried-up tears with mother & father sitting down on the old log with me!!!!!) "Carl your older sister tells us that you said that it was a big deal because she twitches & shakes with no control over it, which is very mean and you should be ashamed of yourself!" my dad said to him "and not to mention that she also cracks her neck & jerks her own head around whenever she gets nervous or afraid....& yes Rick is right about what he just said to you!!!!!!" my mom told him "yeah whatever.....but hey what does that mean for her anyway?!?! probably a huge problem what-so-ever!!!!!!" Carl replied "SHUT UP, JUST PLEASE SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE JUST FOR A MINUTE YOU STUPID JERK!!!!!!!" i shrieked very loudly at my brother while i walked over to him and slapped him across the face and punched him in his eye & gave him a bruise: *and i had ignored everybody's reaction to what i've done to my own idiot brother!!!!!!* i heard gasps in shock, and some people saying things like "i cannot believe she did that!" & "that's what he gets for making her upset...." then i glared at Carl in a totally mean way & snarled at him with a evil smirk plastered on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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