Right on Time: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Hello Baby M, how was your day? Sorry I wasn't able to call you immediately, I just finished a lot of school work."

"Jay, I don't want this anymore."

"Huh?" "I want this to stop. Sorry"

Then I hung up the phone already. I don't know. I just feel like I can't do this relationship thing anymore. I mean we've been together for just 3 months but I feel like I'm gonna die after another month knowing that I'm his girlfriend. And since my uncle knew that we're together, I've decided to break the relationship. I love my uncle more than him, and I think there's really no point of being WITH him. The past few days were not that quite hard. It was the end of school anyway when I broke up with Jay. As of this moment, he hasn't called or even texted me yet about what did just happen.

Maybe a week or two after the incident, we managed to see each other in a mall with our mutual friends. It was weird but he said "hello" and of course I greeted him also. But that's it, no other talks happened. He and his friends didn't stay that long anyway because one of his friend, Andy, just broke up with my friend, Pau. I think it has something to do with what happened to me and Jay also, 'cause theirs happened to be 3 days after ours. So, they met up just to exchange some stuff they borrowed from each other. Oh well, that's just how relationships work. First, both of you would be happy together and treat each other with "unconventional love." And, the next thing you know, you both or one of you wants to have this certain kind of feeling once again. In the end, the relationship's over.

Well, it didn't really stop there. A month after our break-up, Jay actually tried talking to me in Facebook and in texts normally. It was nice that he was cool with everything even though I've heard a lot of stories that I did really break his heart. I don't know, to me, I think it was really just an experiment. Not that I'm heartless, but it seems like it felt wrong. Really weird, but that's what my heart told me.

In the middle of summer things just got a lot weirder. Jay started making up new name callings for me. It's too embarrassing so I won't mention it anymore. We were talking sweet stuff again but it wasn't that grabbing like before anymore. Maybe because my heart has closed its doors to these kinds of opportunities. One night, he asked

"Why did that even happen? Why was it so sudden? And did I do something that pushed you to that decision?"

Actually I was tongue-tied.

I didn't know what to say. It's just that I didn't feel that love anymore and somebody made me realize that a big part of a relationship was missing between us. When Jay and I are still together, my bestfriend, Andy, my friend Pau's boyfriend, is talking to me every night. We were talking about how our love amongst our "special ones" is already tearing apart. We both have the same feeling now because it's just days that our special days differ. So, in these nights, we were actually saying sweet stuff to each other; we even say I love you to each other, which I think is wrong for the both of us.

When things between me and Jay were much more clearer, that's when I started to stick with my decision of dumping him. That's it. Everything between us was over.

I really want to tell him this, now that he's asking, but I don't want to make more conflicts. I stayed with my decision of answering him,

"I don't want to disappoint my uncle anymore. My uncle is really a dad to me already. You know my story."

And all he replied was an "Okay."

I don't blame him for being rude, I'm the who really hurt him in the first place. I'm really sorry for him, I hope he gets that. I'm not the kind of person that is sensitive enough about these kinds of stuff.

Maybe he was trying to move on already so after that we never spoke again. School started and I actually got over him easily, he stopped talking to me and fortunately I got to meet guys better than Jay. By the way, our school was an exclusive girls school so we don't really have boys around the campus, except teachers, so it was quite hard to meet guy friends.

We have to make arrangements with other exclusive schools for boys for an interaction since our prom is getting nearer and nearer. We had a couple of soirees which are interactions to some school. We just like it that way so it would sound special and elegant.

"Hi, I'm Richard. What's your name?"

"Hey, I'm Maxime, or just call me M."

"Oh wow your name sounds so interesting."

"Yeah I get that a lot. It's some name from a very old soldier, I don't know."

"I like it. So, why do you go to these kinds of interactions?"

"This is actually my first one and I'm quite disappointed. It's just you and my 18 other classmates."

"I'm sorry, my classmates are used to going out so late, so I'm sure they will come late."

I'm bored! I don't want to talk or blab with him anymore. He doesn't even look good. He's not handsome! I will leave in a couple of hours and still I have not spotted anyone yet. The door kept opening and closing already. Boys and boys keep coming in. But, I'm seriously not in the mood to interact now. It's failing me.

This night just can't get any worse. No food, no cute guys, no time left to wait for the others, and so, I went and met with my mom already in our meeting place.

"So, how was it?" my mom asked.

"Don't ask, mom. I hated it. Let's just go home."

This is the last straw, I'm starting to realize that I'm not the kind of girl any guy wants. Is it just me or there will never be an opportunity for me to find the right one. I'm young and I want to enjoy the teenage life. But, how will I enjoy if my life's such a mess? Is this karma? I really don't know. I'm sure the Guy up there has something for me in the future, maybe it's still not the right time to find the right one.

School continues to be boring and I continue to think about the stuff I must have gotten if I was still with Jay. Well, it's all over now. It never even popped out in my mind to be with him again for a long time. I just want to find someone new. For now, I have my friends around and they're there to keep me company.

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