Right on Time: Chapter 3

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"Hi Maxime! Very nice to meet you. By the way, I'm not gay." Karl made it clear.

I'm seriously confused right now. So, is Anna just sarcastic awhile ago or is Karl sarcastic now? How come all the guys I know who're my type are gay or taken already. Life is making it so hard for me to find, well, the guy for me.

"Uhm..." I expressed confusingly.

"M! Chill girl! He's a man!! I'm just kidding!" Anna laughed.

"Oh sorry. I was just confused." I smiled.

"Anyway, we were just talking about you and I am to invite you to our freshly planned party this Saturday night. Can you come?"

"Yeah, Maxime. It's going to be awesome seeing you there. I'll introduce you to some of my teammates."

Wow. That was fast. Moments awhile ago I was just dreaming about being with him some place else and now, he's asking me to party with them, with other guys. This is so not my environment.

"So? Maxime? Are you game?" Karl was asking. I'm totally stoned right now.

"Hello Maxime!! Are you awake? Are you going or not? It's going to be fun!" Anna yelled at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just realized I left Kim on the other street not far from here. I should go back to her."

"Wait, you haven't answered our question yet."

"I'll ask Kim first if she's going, partying is not really my thing."

"Don't worry M! Problem solved. I just texted Kim and she said she was going."

"I guess I'd be going then." 

"Awesome! See you at 9 on Saturday, okay?" Karl flashed his oh so adorable smile.

"Yes, see you too."

"Okay, everything's settled now. Karl, would you mind if I leave you here? I'd be going with the girls now."

"Its fine. I have to go back to school. I still have my basketball training."

"That's good. So, bye!"

"Bye Anna." He smiled. "Oh, and goodbye too Maxime, really really nice to meet you." 

His eyes were so trembling. It made me want to scream. The way he looks at me was so enlightening. I might have a shot on this. All these thoughts wandering through my brain.

"Oh, I'm glad your back! You two are so slow seriously." Kim reacted. 

From all this thinking I didn't notice that we were far from school already. I didn't even know that we started going towards Kim already. Oh, my mind is malfunctioning again because of some guy I just knew. This is my problem. I always think that the guys I meet are the ones I'm gonna be with forever. Maybe, it's one reason why boys don't get to like me. 

"Kim, how come you didn't tell me about Anna's text?"

"Which text? I haven't received any yet since yesterday?"

"Oh, Kim, would you mind if all three of us will be going to a party on Saturday?" Anna suddenly interrupted.

"Not at all. Where is it going to be?"

"What? So you haven't told her yet when you told me awhile ago that you did?" I asked violently.

"I'm sure you won't give us an answer awhile ago so I have to make up your mind."

"Why is this so important to you?"

"Obviously, I have a crush on Karl. Sorry I didn't tell you."

"Who's Karl? And where will this party happen? Answer me, you guys!" Kim sounded annoyed.

"Sorry Kim, it's just at the Rack near our street. Just a simple party with drinks and guys."

"Now, who's Karl?"

"My boyfriend." 

Is Anna being serious? She really likes Karl? I thought we had a spark. And I thought they were just friends and now she's claiming that Karl's her boyfriend?

"Huh?" is my only reaction.

"Come on Maxime! Let me convince Kim we are together."

"You can't fool me you two. And obviously you're trying to put this into Maxie's nerves. She's too innocent for that you know."

"Sorry Anna." 

"Okay fine. So he's not my boyfriend. Actually I just met him weeks ago when my mom asked me to buy something at the Rack."

"At the Rack? Is he usual there?"

"I don't know. It was my first time when I saw him and I have never gone to my second time yet."

"Maybe he is? Duh, a party at that kind of place. To think that we're all just 15 or 16 in our batch."

"Oh yeah. I never thought of that actually but don't mind it. We'd know when we get there!"

Anna's and Kim's conversations are really interesting. There are always information about people not found in our history class. I think this is what they get from tweeting and using facebook. I haven't even made an account online yet. My computer's just for homework and projects nothing more, nothing less.

We reached our house and just at the right time my mom cooked some treats for us. 

"Looks yummy, mom. Why aren't you at your office today?"

"I finished early and decided to cook this for you and your friends."

"Is it okay if they stay here until dinner?"

"Not a bother honey. Hi I'm Mrs. Murphy, just call me Aunt Gides."

"Hello Aunt Gides, looking forward to seeing you more often here." By the way I'm Anna. Anna Blancie." Anna introduced herself.

"I'm Kim Parsley. Nice meeting you Mrs. Murphy. We might be more often here. Your home's very welcoming."

"Why, thank you deary."

"Mom, we'll just hang out at the living room, can we grab a part of this?"

"Sure honey. As long as you leave enough for your brothers then go help yourselves."

I grabbed a part of the pie for us three and we all sat down on the couch. Jane By Design was playing, the three of us are pretty focused on the television screen. 

One of my brothers walked in.

"Mom! Can I get half of the pie?? I have a friend with me, we'll just hang out up my bedroom because Maxime has her friends on the couch!" He was shouting really really loudly.

So irritating. Why do I have a brother like him? Actually I have worse. There are two of them. They're twins.

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