Right on Time: Chapter 2

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"Maxie! How was the soiree?"

"Its not what I expected to be."

"You're just a boy reprellant! Just meet them and talk to them and I don't know get to know them!"

That's Kim, she's my bestfriend; one of my bestfriends. She calls me Maxie for some reason. She's the one person that always talks about guys and telling me to go for every guy that I meet. It's kind of weird that she pushes me away for my own "guy" benefit. That's why I love this person so much. She wants to me to be happy. I think she thinks of me as someone who's lonely in life. I have her, I'm not really sure why she introduces me to his guys.

"M! Tell us something we don't know!"

Now, that's Anna. She's another bestfriend of mine. She likes to know other stories of people, mostly mine. She's quite interested with everyone else's lives instead of her own. I just hope she finds her own story because she always look up to others'. I just want her to know she can make her own sweet story soon.

"Don't you know everything about me already?" I said.

"I'm pretty sure you haven't told this one thing yet." Kim said back.

"How come you know?" 

"We just want to make sure."

"If this is about the soiree the other night, I'm telling you, I didn't meet any cute guys. There weren't even any guys that are my type if you're there. I'm sure you'd just leave with me."

"It's not about the soiree Maxie."

"Spill it out M!" Anna shouted. I was shocked when she yelled but I think I made a wrong decision of keeping my break up with 

Jay from them. Maybe, this is the time?

"Is this about Jay?" I asked.

"It's about time you bring him up with us. We noticed you never talked about him anymore when school started. Actually, even during summer. You never asked for advice about him or anything anymore."

"So you knew? Even if I didn't tell you right away?"

"Of course, we knew! We're your bestfriends Maxie. No one knows you better than us!"

"I'm really sorry I didn't tell you if you haven't asked. I just don't want to bring it up 'cause it seems so faulty on my part."

"What did happen? Is it okay if we ask now?"

"Yeah it's fine now. I never did get attached to him deeply. My conscience is just messing around with me, really."

"As long as you're fine then we don't have to talk about this." Kim blurted out all of a sudden.

"But, I wanna know the reason why." Anna insisted.

"Anna! You don't have to do this to Maxie!"

"It's fine guys. It's just one reason. And it's because I got tired of the thought of BEING with him. I just want to be my OWN self once again. Alright guys? Enough of this already."

"Okay." Anna and Kim finally stopped.

English class and my mind is at the peak of swirling around. Our classmate, all the way there up front, has been eyeing for an A this semester. Seriously it's bugging me already. I never aimed a score higher than hers, I kept on telling her, it's an accident that I got an A last school year! By the way , her name is Mikhail. Since gradeschool, all she thought about is beating me at every single subject. It's irritating, don't you think?

"Krriiiiing.." Oh my poor ears. Every after subject this rings and it's killing me.

"I'm telling you, Maxime. I'm going to beat you this time." Mikhail warned me.

"Ohhh I'm so scared Mik. Stop being so arrogant! You know my aims' just to pass all the subjects for college. This doesn't have to be a competition."

"It's on Max, it's so on!"

I just don't get why people can't say my full name. Is it that hard or tiring to say it? Oh well. Mikhail has been calling me Max since the day we met. Maybe, she thought I was a guy. When we were kids, maybe I was 7 and she was 8, she told me she has a crush on me. Then school started and our lives became a big competition with each other. Or rather to her, 'cause that's what I see.

"Wait guys, I just have to take this call. It might be really important." Anna explained to us while walking down the hall faster than us. "Okay, go on." I said. 

"Anyway," Kim interrupted, "Maxie! Mik never stopped whining about academics when it's against you." Kim commented.

"Yeah, that's been going along so sooo far now."

"Aren't you irritated? Maybe she has a crush on you Maxie!?" Anna spilled.

"I'm not irritated. This has been going on for 9 years already, don't you think I have gotten used to it?"

"Well, you're right. But back to my other question. Don't you think he has a crush on you?"

"Kim! Stop asking questions like that. She's a she!"

"Girl! We're in an all girls school. It CAN happen."

"But, it will not. Two people from the same sexes will never be compatible!"

"Maxime, you sound, look and think like a guy! Who would not not want you here in our school?"

"Hey! I just LOOK guy-ish. My heart's still under looking for the right guy. A girl liking me is not a big help, I swear."

"Okay I'll stop. You get so upset easily recently. Why?"

"It's just school. School's depressing and tiring me so much. Luckily, I have dance rehearsals every now and then. It keeps me from getting so angry and mad all the time."

"That's good, Maxie. You can always talk it all out with us. Me and Anna are always there for you."

"Thank you guys, this means a lot to me."

"No problem." As we walked through the street signs with all the non sense chatting, we didn't notice that Anna was gone. I seriously didn't notice her, she might be walking fast or turned to another street. I ran back to school and left Kim on 5th avenue because I'm sure Kim is more comfortable with roads. Anna panicks, all the time.

Running back so quickly to school made me forget about the pedestrian I'm passing through. So, I tripped. One solid trip.

"Hey, are you okay?" A mysterious guy with bright blue eyes asked.

"I'm fine, thank you. I have to go." Then I bumped into Anna. 

"So you two have now officially met." Those words came out of Anna's mouth and I don't know why.

My eyes brightened. I think he's the one. My trip didn't even bothered me when I knew I found him. Is he really the one? I think Anna's going to introduce him to me so I'd have a new boyfriend already. Oh, we're so compatible. I'm so excited to meet him. 

What is his name?

"Maxime, meet Karl. He's my gay friend." Anna said.

Crash and burn. 

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