Right on Time: Chapter 4

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"Where's his twin?" Kim asked.

"Maybe he's in the library studying how to hit on girls!"

"It's so weird that they are so unlike."

"Yeah, it's how they grow up."

I'm seeing his friend again. I really hate it when he comes with him at home. He's name is Aldo. Aldo's a really nice guy but he's 

too kind for me! My mom even spoils this guy. I think it's because Tom, my cooler brother, always makes my mom feel like Aldo is a new guy in the house. It's been 3 years that this happens. It's supposed to be old already.

"Hi Maxime." I just smiled and nodded.

That's the good thing about him. For the past 3 years that he've gone here at home, he never have forgotten to greet me. Unlike my brother Tom who seems to treat me like I'm an unseen ghost.

"Awkward." Kim and Anna said at the same time, looked at each other and laughed.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Jay's brother is Aldo."


"Isn't he supposed to be mad at you for dumping his brother?"

"No, when I broke up with Jay, it didn't even bother him. He's still like that, never changes."

"That's just so cool and mature of him."

"Yeah, probably.

We kept on watching the series and watched a few movies after; now, we realized we haven't decided what to wear for the party on Saturday. We all got up and walked to the mall. We're lucky to have Megamall near our house.

"This one's better. I think?" 

"No, try the other one."

"But, it's fluffy and cute."

"That's the point! It's so fluffy! NO ONE WANTS TO SEE FLUFFY IN A COOL PARTY!"

Anna has been really rough with Kim about this party dressing. A shirt and a pair of shorts is fine with me. And I'm pretty sure I've convinced them to agree with me. I really don't like dressing up you know. It's just not me.

"Stop it Anna!! I can say what's pretty on me or not." Kim has lost his temper when Anna showed his disappointed face again. 

After Kim said that, she immediately turned to me. "Maxie, is this okay?" 

"Yeah, it's fine. It's you."

"Suit yourself guys. You two don't party like me. I know more."

"It's alright Anna. We'll take our risks."

It didn't take so long for me and Kim to be able to find outfits for the party. But, Anna. Anna was really looking for the perfect thing. I'm sure she won't be able to find perfect. 

"This has to be perfect!!"

"Just try the eenie meenie minie mo method!"

And so she did. Oh gash, why do I have friends that are so weird?

"Okay, it's final. It's this one." 

Finally! While I bought a pink t-shirt and "somehow" sparkly shorts and Kim had this white tank and really cute white ballerina like skirt, Anna got a grey long sleeved cardigan, a black polo with a white collar, shorts with beed on it's outline, a dark purple belt, 3 bangles, a pair of "donut" earrings, a vintage necklace and a pair of "rock-ish" wedges.

"Is this all Ma'am?" the saleslady asked.

"Yes, yes. We'll take those." My eyes were bigger than it was. Anna shopped like hell. 

I hope everything goes on perfectly at the party. I don't want Anna's outfit to go to waste. Of course, mine's not that important. I just want to wear something new like Kim's. We took a cab home 'cause we didn't want to risk our lives walking down the streets with just the three of us girls.

"We're home!" I shouted.

"Hi sweety. How was shopping?"

"It was fun, Aunt Gides! I bought a lot!" Anna answered so fast, I haven't even breathed in yet. 

"Yeah, I'm okay with what I bought as long as its new." I answered.

"Mine's cute also, Mrs. Murphy."

"That's nice to know girls. Anyway, you arrived just in time for dinner. So let's eat. We'd be having steak."

It's so nice to have all the girls here at home. Every moment with them is so comforting most especially if you have twin brothers. Well, one's okay but the other one's pain in the ass.

"Tim, care to join us?"

Tim's my other brother. He's the nicer one. While my brother Tom plays basketball, parties and hangs out a lot with his friends, my other brother Tim studies A LOT inside the library. He keeps a lot of secrets, so he's a bit unknown to us.

"Wow, it's so nice to see our dining table with filled seats." Tim reacted.

"Filled in with OUR friends. Where's yours, my beloved twin brother?" Tom is being mean again. No wonder girls won't take him seriously. A lot of girls want him but just because he's a player and not because he is him. Poor Tom never getting the right  girl for him.

"Stop it Tom!" My mom's so understanding. She knows when to not have more words out of her mouth. She controls every word she says so she won't embarass us infront of people, especially our friends.

Everything felt so awkward. My mom, me and my 2 bestfriends, Tim, Tom and his friend sitting on one table. I think it's fun to look at it with so many people around. Finishing my steak was so hard when I ate a lot of popcorn before we went to the mall.

Tim, Tom and Aldo were all done but they can't leave the dining table just yet. It's my mom's policy. And I like it. They are the ones who suffer, not me. 

"Come on Maxime Murphy! We have to watch the game. It's going to play in a few minutes!" I'm sure if I didn't finish in a minute, Tom's going to start brawling already.

"Just one bite and I'll be done."

Then, we all prayed for the great food and the numerous company we had. 

"Thanks for everything Mrs. Murphy."

"We'll be staying here more often now!" 

Anna and Kim left already, while Aldo was still there.

"Mrs. Murphy, I might be sleeping here tonight, is it okay?" He asked.

"Sure Aldo. You are always welcome here."

"Thanks Mrs. Murphy."

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