part 5

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*still Sebastian's POV*
I saw y/n staring at me (what did you think he saw you dirty minded) she was sooooo cute when she is staring at anything I hope I will ask her out soon
*end of POV*

*y/n's POV*
I talked to oliver until I saw seb getting out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped on his waist and his messy wet hair oh my god he is so hot I can't help but stare at him then I heard oliver coughing to get my attention to stop me from staring I looked at oli and at that moment seb was getting his clothes from the closet he went back to the bathroom
Y/n:idk but he is so hot an- oh sorry I shouldn't be saying this
O:it's ok but don't talk like this again cuz you know ur not allowed to date anyone and this stuff
Y/n:yeah ur right but it's ur brother's fault no one told him to be so hot
O:y/n stop
Y/n:ok ok fine

Sebastian got got off the bathroom idk why but he was shirtless

O:dude why are u shirtless
S:bro it's so hot here
O:whatever but atleast go wear a shirt

*Sebastian's POV*
idk why oliver is acting weird I mean in the morning when I woke up he and y/n were acting weird and when we came here he kept coughing when I got out of the bathroom and now he tells me to put a shirt on idk why he is acting so weird I think y/n and oli have a secret from me idk but I think they are dating I will ask oliver about his weirdness tonight when y/n get back to her house

*y/n's POV*
idk why but Sebastian was different than in the morning but never mind maybe something happened that idk what it is..... But what's wrong with him why is he different I'm bored and if we stayed longer than this in silence I will overthink

Y/n:guys I'm bored what can we do
O:maybe watch Netflix

Oliver got his laptop opened Netflix and put on (any cartoon on Netflix I have no idea rn) i sat in the middle between seb and oli after the film was over we ordered food and it was getting late so I decided to head home

Y/n:guys it's getting late ima head home
O:want any of us to walk you home
Y/n:no thanks oli i will walk by myself Bye Oli bye seb

I walked home and when I entered the door.....

Enjoy this part another part will be posted in a few hours cuz I feel like idw do anything but writing sooo ❤😍
Word count:470

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