Part 18

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We hanged out for the rest of the day at home and and then everyone got their rooms Cody and Zoe in mateo's room and now Mateo is sleeping with Natalia James in his room aka nick's room zephan with oli and Alex in the room and Jesse with me and seb in the room we lyed down on the bed and Jesse on the blanket on the floor and we turned off the light 3 minutes later

J:guys are you asleep
S:I'm not
Y:Me too
J:ok I have a quick question are you guys dating
S:not yet
J:what is that supposed to mean each one says something will you guys date
S:yeah we will but later not now
J:y/n do you like him
Y:do I have to say
Y:so yeah I like him a lot
J:and why don't you guys start dating
Y:it's because of the shit that is going on rn and there is something that we are not sure about but idk what we will do
S:exactly that's why
J:and what is that thing that you guys aren't sure about
Y:that we have the same father
J:oh my god what the heck are you saying how is that you guys met a month ago
Y:that's true we knew each other only a month ago but we noticed that my parents and his mom work together for years and my parents come for business trips here in Florida and they were supposed to be on a business trip but the second day was a free day and they were in the car driving to somewhere and they crashed with the three of them and the good things are that his mom is ok and James is ok but the bad thing is that my mom passed away anyways when James came out of the hospital we welcomed him and everything but at night I went to his room and found him kissing Natalia and I asked them about it and they said that they got married 19 years ago but me and sebastian don't know if James is his real father or no
J:first of all I'm sorry for your mom second who is James third I can ask him if he is their real father
S:no they don't know that y/n told us they are married and even if we asked him he would lie
J:so you can make a DNA and I think the DNA doesn't lie right??
Y:yeah but I'm scared what if he is
J:what about i- oh yeah ok I understood
S:I have the same feeling
J:do you guys want my opinion on what to do
Y:yes plz
J:ok so you will go to your father-
Y:he is not anymore and his name is James
J:ok so you will go to James and tell him that you told seb oli and Alex about it and then oli or Alex will ask him if he is the moy's real father or no but I prefer oli to ask him more than Alex and idk why
S:I agree with you
Y:ok I will tomorrow morning
J:and btw oli seb and Alex are gonna be with you when you tell him

They slept but I didn't want to sleep so I got up got my phone and earpods and went in the balcony that is in sebastian's room there was a full moon i sat on a chair and watched it while listening to sad music i started to stare at the moon and half way through a song I started crying bcuz the only person I finally trusted other than my mom and Alex is my step brother and I can't date him I wanted anyone to talk to and the only one who always listened to me was my mom and now she is gone "I miss you mom I want you rn I want to be in your arms again I want to talk to you again I want you to solve my problems without telling anyone about it even dad and Alex *i started to cry hard* I want you to know what does ur daughter go through rn so I will tell you first of all you are gone now and after this two weeks that I spent without you I went through a lot I finally trusted sebastian and now I like him a lot and I believe he can treat me right and make me happy and then I knew that James who was my dad is cheating on you and was cheating on you for 19 years and guess with who he cheated with your friend and I'm really scared because he might be the real father of sebastian and Oliver and if it is true that means that me and sebastian are related and that we can't be together idk why I can't be happy in my life idk what is coming to me in the future but hopefully it is something better plz mom be with me all the time hug me whenever I need you even though you are not with me anymore but I want to hear your voice see your amazing face feel your arms around me mom I'm really sorry if I got you mad at me I'm sorry if i have ever said a word that pissed you off I'm sorry for everytime I disobeyed you even though I knew that you would never do anything that would harm me and at the end I regret my disobedience I'm sorry for everytime I didn't help while you were sick I'm sorry for not being dead instead of you in the car crash you were the best thing that happened to me in my life I love you so much mom I didn't know what you were to me until I lost you and I regret every moment I didn't tell you that I love you so much in it I-" My thoughts were interrupted by a tap on my shoulder I wiped my tears but they were too much to be wiped by a finger I looked at who it was and it was sebastian he kneeled down to me to be in the same hight as me

S:why are you crying
Y:I'm not it's nothing
S:you can't lie while the tears are coming down your cheeks and now why are you crying
Y:but promise not to think that I'm crazy
S:I promise now why
Y:I was talking to mom and telling her everything that happened without her I told her about everything I carry inside me I told her about James and you and that we might be step siblings I told her that I'm sorry for a lot of things I told her that I love her so much and miss her more *crying so hard that I can't breath and can barely speak*
S:*started tearing up*why would I think you are crazy
Y:because I'm talking to a dead person
S:no it's ok and if I was you I would do that too and stop crying plz I can't see you crying
Y:I can't

He took my hand to make me stand up and he took me to a corner in the balcony and we sat there he hugged me so tight and I cried in his chest I cried a lot that his shirt was all soaked with tears like he went to the shower with it we sat there for five hours of him rubbing my back and me crying then i fell asleep and it was 5:00 it was the first minutes of the sunrise I felt him carrying me and put me on the bed and he slept beside me

Sorry for that sad part and I teared up writing the part of y/n talking to her mom also it is kinda long part anyways enjoy reading ♥️♥️♥️
Word count:1380

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