Part 15

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O:amm y/n and Alex we need to tell u guys something
Y:I can't listen if it will make me sad so I will go upstairs u guys tell Alex and plan a way to tell me with it and choose only one to come tell me

I ran upstairs not giving anyone a chance to tell me any word I went in sebastian room closed the door and sat there waiting for anyone to come in after ten minutes I heard a knock on the door

Y:come in *it was sebastian he came in and closed the door after him*
S:y/n u have to make a promise to not cry when u hear this
Y:oh I can't make promises that I cannot keep
S:so plz try to calm down.... and y/n ur mother will make a surgery but they don't know if she can take it and complete it alive or maybe ..... u know

I took it calmly and didn't say anything but I cried but not like earlier I cried silently and I could tell that sebastian was so confused that he didn't know what to do

Y:I was preparing myself for a thing like that so I won't do like I did earlier but what about my father
S:he is the same as earlier
Y:can we visit them again
S:anyways we will go tomorrow morning bcuz the surgery of ur mom ok

I looked at my phone and it was 11:00 pm and I wanted to sleep bcuz I was tried

Y:Sebastian where is my room bcuz I wanna sleep
S:oh amm no we have no guest rooms so u have to sleep here
Y:oh ok and where will Alex sleep
S:In oli's room bcuz he has two beds
Y:oh ok will u sleep now
Y:ok *i grabbed some blankets and a pillow I put it on the floor and was going to sleep*
S:y/n I will sleep on the floor u will sleep on the bed
Y:sebastian are u kidding it's ur bed
S:yeah ik but u will sleep on it
S:y/n sleep on the bed plz

I went to the bed and seb turned of the lights and I couldn't sleep the thought of my mom might die made me feel tears in my eyes I looked at sebastian and couldn't see if he was asleep or not but he seems to be sleeping but for my surprise he was actually awake

S:y/n are u sleeping
S:why are u crying
Y:I'm not "how did he know that I'm crying"
S:no u are I can tell
Y:how did u know
S:so u were crying
Y:yeah *in a low voice*

I heard movement in the room and when I looked at sebastian again he was on the bed with me

S:do u mind me sleeping here
Y:I don't but why
S:no reason just sleeping with my best friend is that wrong
Y:no it's not
S:ok so gn
Y:but honestly I can't sleep
Y:bcuz the thought that my mom might die makes me feel so sad that I want to die instead of her
S:it's ok and she won't die and she will make it I promise
Y:Sebastian plz don't make promises that u can't keep ok
Y:can u hug me plz
S:yeah ofc but why
Y:bcuz I feel safe in ur arms plzzz
S:what does that mean
Y:that means that you're my best friend
S:ughhh ok and I'm not sad I understand why you are saying this
Y:oh ok gn
S:gn ba-bestie
Y:what were u going to say
S:uhmm nothing

We both fell asleep cuddling and the next morning I woke up to Oliver waking both of us up

O:guysssss wake upppp
S/y:go out
O:are u guys dating ????
Y:wth noooo
S:ofc we are not *and then whispers under his breath* yet
Y:*i heard it* what did u say
O:anyways get ready bcuz we are going to the hospital in an hour

I jumped to the bathroom took a 10 seconds shower got ready and went to them down stairs they were all there accept seb

Y:can we go now plzzzz
N:yeah but are y'all ready
Y:yeah I think
S:yeah now we are all ready *he said coming downstairs*

We went outside and to the car I really wanted to see my mom before she go into the surgery we were finally there we went to my mom's room and it was still no visits so I went to my father's room I sat there for half an hour then I heard the door of the room open

A:mom is going into the surgery now
Y:but we can't see her right
Y:so I will wait till they finish the surgery I have a feeling that she will be ok but another feeling that she won't make it I'm so scared
A:don't be scared I believe that she will make it but if she didn't then u have dad,hailey and I
Y:can I tell u something
A:yeah sure
Y:let's get out and talk
We went out of the room
A:so what is it
Y:if mom made it or didn't make it I want sebastian
A:do u like him
Y:yeah I mean I feel safe with him and I started trusting him and I always feel like I want to spend a longer time with him I want to be as close as I could to him
A:so I like him and a lot
Y:yeah maybe
A:anyways let's go back to them

*4 hours later*
Mom is supposed to finish the surgery now and we are waiting for the news and hopefully they are good after 10 mins the doctor came out we all went to him and I was holding sebastian's arm so tight

D:ok so we tried our best but.... I'm really so sorry guys but she didn't make it

so rip y/n's mom I'm really sad but I must put some drama anyways enjoy this part until I update another one ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Word count:1111

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