2: Spiders

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Mom POV.


I am deathly afraid of spiders.

I know.

Such a cliche phobia.

When I was younger, I remember a spider crawling all over my body. I was so scared that I screamed. I screamed so loudly that people that lived on the other side of the neighborhood actually heard me screaming.

Other than spiders, I had never had a phobia.

At least, that's what I told people.

That's what I believed.

But every mother has one phobia in common.

The fear of losing her child.

And no matter how loudly I screamed with that spider crawling all over me, I had never in my life screamed louder than when I saw my only child, my daughter, collapse on the field.

I don't remember what happened next too clearly, but I remember jumping the bleachers and snapping my heels, but I didn't care.

I remember shoving people out of the way, but I didn't care.

I remember knocking a soda out of a kids hands all over my clothes. My expensive clothes that I couldn't really afford, but still bought.

All I remember is getting onto the field and seeing my daughter covered in blood.

I remember hearing someone screaming so loudly that it almost shattered my ear drums.

Who was screaming?



That was me.

"Mrs. Brownstone. I just called an ambulance." The coach said to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"My baby." I cried. "My little girl."

I sobbed and sobbed.

It felt like hours before the ambulance arrived, although it was probably minutes.

I watched them load her into the back of the ambulance. I tried to get to her. To touch her, but a man held me back.

We drove in the back of the ambulance. I stared at her. I took her in.

She was okay, I reassured myself. She was okay.

Then I ran the excuses through my head.

She was dehydrated.

She was overwhelmed.

She was distracted by the fact that she had bumped into Justin.

But no excuses helped me.

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