Ch 1:The First Boss

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It's been a month since the death game called Sword Art Online started 2,000 people died you have gotten up to level 20 within a month and not only that you got a new sword that's purple but had a dark like aura when you first found it you decided to name the blade Arondight as there was rumors that a few players managed to discover the where the boss was located now your on your way to the meeting on discussing how to beat the boss as your in the arena you see a man with armor and blue hair as his eyes are blue

???:*Claps* Okay people now that everyone's here lets get this meeting started

You and Kirito sit down and wait for the meeting to start

???:So anyway I want to thank everyone for coming good to see you my name is Diavel and in this game*Smacks chest* The job I rolled is knight

The players begin to laugh

Player:Dude there's no job system in this game

Diavel:You guys wanna hear this or not?

They quiet down as Diavel grows a serious look

Diavel:Right anyway here's the deal our party found the boss room at the top of the tower today

The players look at him in shock as they talk with each other

Diavel:First we need to defeat the boss and make it to floor 2 the next step is we have to tell everyone waiting in the town of beginnings that it is possible to beat this game fact is it's our duty as the most capable players here do you agree or not?!

You look around as the players begin to clap and cheer

P/n:Say what you want about him but he knows how to give a speech

Diavel:Okay glad to hear your all with me on this now let's figure out how we're gonna beat the boss first off we'll team up into parties of 6


Diavel:A typical party doesn't stand a chance against the floor boss we need a raid group made up of multiple parties

As they begin to from parties you and Kirito look around for anyone willing to join as you see a girl wearing a red cloak

As they begin to from parties you and Kirito look around for anyone willing to join as you see a girl wearing a red cloak

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You and Kirito slide over to her

Kirito:You got left out too huh?

???:Not even I wasn't left out it just everyone seems like there already friends

P/n:Oh the loner type huh?

???:You could say that

Kirito:So your solo to you wanna form a party with me and P/n?

She looks at the two of you

Kirito:You heard what the guy just said we can't beat the boss on our own and it would only be for this fight

The Berserker Player Sword Art Online X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now