Ch5:Starting The Investigation

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After the "death" of Caynz you Kirito and Asuna talked to Yolko a bit more before walking her back to where she stayed at

Yolko:Thank you for walking me back sorry if it was out of your way


Asuna:No worries but we'd like to talk to you again tomorrow if your feeling up to it


She walks in the room but bows before closing the door as the three of you look at each other and walk back

Kirito:So what do we do?

Asuna:Simple we follow the only solid clue we have if we can find out where that spear came from it might lead us straight to the killer

Kirito:We need to find someone with an appraisal skill I mean it's pretty obvious you don't have one

Asuna:No I don't and neither do you and P/n*Stops walking* Oh and by the way try not to be so rude when your speaking to me

P/n:I can do whatever the hell I want woman you ain't the boss of me

Kirito:Oh okay should I call you miss next time?

She glares at him while you sigh and shake your head

Kirito:Second in command?

Asuna keeps glaring at him

Kirito:Lightning flash?

P/n:"Mutters" Stuck up brat more like it

Asuna:....Oh never mind call me Asuna

Kirito:Okay sure back to the appraisal skill though do you know anyone who has it?

Asuna::Hmm I got a friend who does she's a weapons merchant but she's really busy these days so I don't think she'll have time to help us

Kirito:No worries I happen to know an item merchant who might be able to help us out

Time skip brought to you by a chibi Berserker pointing his sword at chibi Kirito with an annoyed look

Your now on floor 50 as your making your way to Agil's shop the door opens you see a man wearing armor and wielding a spear

Agil:Thanks my man come back anytime

Player:Yeah whatever

The two of you walk in

Kirito:Looks like your still running all the suckers down with those hard deals of yours

P/n:Yeah what he said

Agil turns around and grins

Agil:No way Kirito and P/n! Buy cheap and sell cheap that's my motto I'm a business man you know that

Kirito:That selling cheap part's a lie though

They fist bump while you groan in annoyance

Agil:Don't go slandering my good name brother

He spots Asuna as he then pulls Kirito behind the counter

Agil:What the hell has gotten into you?! You were supposed to be a solo player man what are you doing hanging around with Asuna?! I thought you two hated each other's guts what's up?!

As they shouted at each other Asuna laughed nervously while you began to walk out

P/n:What a giant pain in my ass

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