Chapter One

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"Todays the day!" Fallenkit was tackled down by his far much more larger denmate Sagekit, he barely looked like a cat. Fallenkit grumbled in annoyance, "Go ask the elders to tell you stories without me." he swatted at him. "No silly! We get apprenticed today!" Sagekit chirped cheerfully. Instantly the bluish-gray tom shot his head up. "oh mousedung." His fear began to overwhelm him, making his pelt prickle with anxiety.

Sagekit flicked his little rounded ear, he knew his friend needed him right now. But he didn't quite know how to make him feel better, so he quipped up his best answer. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get an amazing mentor!" He gave him a friendly lick. However that wasn't the only reason Fallenkit was so nervous, he knew him and Sagekit weren't born into the clan. He was petrified of being turned away in front of everyone— his thoughts were interrupted by Lightfeather's jaws grasped around his scruff, pulling him close to her so she could groom him. "You look like you rolled around in the ferns!" She exclaimed, licking at his fur to flatten it down. "You must look presentable for the clan." She curled her tail happily, she had treated him, Sagekit, Copperkit and Driftkit like her own. Staying in the nursery even after Shadowpaw had been apprenticed. Brackenleaf did what he could to take care of Copperkit, and Driftkit but he couldn't nurse them, he was at a loss in that area. His heart ached for the two kits, who were naturally quiet and protective of one another. Losing a mom must be hard especially knowing she died for you. Quickly before Fallenkit could think about his own parents he shook his head and pried away from Lightfeather. "Okay okay I'm clean. Let's go Sagekit." Fallenkit tried to mew cheerfully but it came out flat.

Blazestar had already named Copperpaw, and Driftpaw, giving them Eagleclaw and Lemonspeck. It was now Sagekit's turn. The leader's voice, deep yet gentle, echoed the clearing suddenly. "Sagekit, you are now six moons and it is time to become a paw'. From this day on, until you have received your warrior name, you will be known as Sagepaw. Your mentor will be Mumblesong, may his wisdom and kindness be passed onto you." Then Blazestar turned to him he could feel his whole body quivering with anxiety. "Fallenkit. You have reached six moons as well, so it is time for you to become a paw'.  From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be Fallenpaw. Your mentor will be Paleblossom. Let her swiftness and quick thinking be passed onto you."

His clanmates then began to cheer him and his friends names, "Copperpaw! Driftpaw! Sagepaw! Fallenpaw!" Embarrassment pricked at his pelt making it burn. Everyone parted ways eventually while the mentors approached their new apprentices. Paleblossom came to Fallenpaw touching her nose to his ear. "Hello." She said quietly. "Hazelfleck said you could use my guidance." She scuffed the ground embarrassedly. "He asked Blazestar if I could mentor you."  There was a pause— "Well I'm glad he did." Fallenpaw piped up, he felt comfortable around the she-cat knowing she wasn't going to be to harsh with him.

"Do you wanna see our territory?" Paleblossom said gently. "Yes." Fallenpaw could feel his heart thumping inside his chest at the thought of seeing so much land at once. "We won't tour it all, you wont be used to the terrain or walking so much, so we'll do most of it today and tomorrow we'll finish." Fallenpaw nodded, "alright."

When they had climbed up the steep slope, and entered the clearing. The wind made his fur part. "The wind feels so nice." He purred timidly. "I love it." Paleblossom looked ahead her expression so much clearer than before. He knew she felt much more comfortable in the tall grasses of the moor. Paleblossom began to walk through the grass making sure he kept up along the way, he found it a little hard at first because of the thick long grass whipping at him but eventually got the hang out pushing against the wind. Even the sound of the wind in his ears didn't bug him much, he enjoyed it. "We'll go to the stream then head back. I'll even tell you a story." She flicked her ear at him when he nodded. They trekked along, she told him about how beautiful the sky was when it snowed, and how nice it felt coming out of leafbare into the sun, watching the snow melt off of the heather and gorse. Eventually they made it to the stream. It was deep and had a rushing current.

"The current is fast in newleaf because of extra water." Paleblossom sat down on a flat stone, he settled in beside her. "Does it ever flood?" He asked. "Sometimes, but not by much. Wanna hear that story?" Fallenpaw looked at the current. "Yes please." Paleblossom followed his gaze, "My father, Liontuft, him and Blazestar are littermates. I'm sure you know that—" Fallenpaw nodded. "Well one night when the current was just like this. They both snuck out of the nursery, and made it to this stream." She had an expression that Fallenpaw couldn't understand, almost a hurt look. "Blazestar fell in, so Liontuft went after him. When he managed to get him to shore a big branch knocked Liontuft away from him and under the water where he crashed into a stone." She traced her pad along the stone they were on. "His jaw broke, and that's why it is the way it is." Fallenpaw's eyes rounded. "Wow. I've never heard that story before, Blazestar must feel very sad about that—are you mad at Liontuft about lying to you?" He couldn't help but ask. Paleblossom flinched, "I think that's enough for today. Let's go back, I'm sure your friends will want to hear about what I told you." Fallenpaw lowered his ears slightly. "Oh okay."

The walk back to camp was silent and awkward, he knew he shouldn't have pushed the question when Paleblossom barely knew him. Why would she tell him anyway? Fallenpaw sighed once he ducked into the apprentices den. Ignoring Sagepaw's questions, he settled down sleepily in his new nest and closed his eyes.

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