Chapter Two

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The thick grass twitched along the river bank. The white splotched tom was crouched against the pebbles, keeping his tail down and ears erect. He slowly began to creep up the side of the patch of grass, making sure no pebbles escaped from their places knowing that would give his spot away and he'd lose his whole advantage on his target. He launched into the air after a few heartbeats and latched onto his victim's back with his sharp pale gray claws. He made sure not to break skin, knowing the rules. Sagepaw was much larger than him so he had to be smart, he grasped ahold of his scruff and twisted sideways with all of his weight as he slid off of his friend's back causing Sagepaw to flip over completely. He squirmed for a few moments, sending pebbles down into the rapid current of the stream.

"Well done!" Paleblossom praised him, her eyes were dull but shone with pride. "You finally got it." She purred happily at her apprentice. Mumblesong came out from behind the heather he was hiding in, and gave Sagepaw a nod and sympathetically twitched his tail at him. He went over to Fallenpaw and licked his shoulder a sign that he was congratulating him.

Fallenpaw wished he could enjoy the praise but he couldn't, he looked at Paleblossom with round eyes. She had just lost her mate.. he wished she would just rest. She had been pushing herself, even after becoming more tired for some odd reason. He also noticed her sides slightly prodding out. Fallenpaw flicked his ear gratefully at both older cats then playfully swatted at Sagepaw. "You let me win you big fox!" He growled teasingly, and butted his head into the larger tom's shoulder.

Mumblesong rolled his eyes then twitched his tail toward the way back to camp. However he stayed back instead of leading, walking at Paleblossom's pace. Fallenpaw walked beside Sagepaw then leaned over, whispering; "Do you think Paleblossom is okay? She looks sick." Sagepaw twitched his whiskers in amusement. "She's expecting Hazelfleck's kits. Lightfeather told me."

Fallenpaw inhaled sharply. "Oh.. will she still be able to mentor me?" His friend gave a shrug, "I don't think so. But I'm sure she'll make sure whoever takes over your apprenticeship is good." He meowed. "I hope so." Fallenpaw exhaled.

Once they had reached camp he was about to tuck into a rabbit with Copperpaw when Blazestar's voice echoed the camp. "Let all cats old enough to run the moor gather around high ledge for a clan meeting!" Copperpaw sighed quietly, not saying anything even when Fallenpaw playfully shoved into him. The tom was silent.

Blazestar curled his fluffy tail around himself surveying his clan with his amber eyes. "As you all know we've been at war with Shadowclan and a few Riverclan cats. I want to thank Eagleclaw for helping settling an agreement with Thunderclan, and helping rebuild Riverclan." He dipped his head to the tom, Eagleclaw respectfully dipped his head back. "Applefall and I have decided that Shadowclan will no longer take any more lives. Tonight there will be a gathering discussing more." He meowed. "Clan dismissed." He leaped down and joined in conversation with a few of the older cats.

"Who do you think will be picked?" Fallenpaw looked at Copperpaw. "I don't know." The tom sighed then walked over to his sister, giving her ear a lick. Frustration welled up inside of the young tom. Why couldn't Copperpaw just talk to him like any normal cat?? He grunted then trudged over to Sagepaw. "Wh—" "Were going to the gathering! I asked Liontuft and he said we could— well as long as our mentors say we can." He purred happily.

Fallenpaw's frustration faded and excitement took over, but also he was nervous again. So many cats in one area., he stiffened. "Hey. It'll be okay. I'll stay right by your side no matter what." Sagepaw looked at him fondly.

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