Still alive somehow

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Hello everyone, hope you have all had a great time in my absence. Now I want to say this and how I want to work with this failed fan-fic of mine. I'm not going to touch this at all until I know my writing has gotten better. I've been trying to make an original story with Im_WarcatMBL as my editor and great friend. If I feel up to it and think I've added enough story to it, I might start posting it here as well. I don't necessarily want to give up on this since it's a host of good memories for me despite how much I cringe at my younger self when looking back. I'm not going to change my previous chapters at all, I will try to work it up to something I'm ok with. Thankfully I know what I do wrong, at least most of it. May you all have a great day and may the others be great as well. Until next time


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