Super Devil

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Sparks began to appear around my body, my demonic energy and ki were raging like a wild fire.

General Paimon just raised an eyebrow at my attack, it seems as if he isn't a bit threatened by it.

This attack of mine is much stronger as I used a bit of my life force along with ki and demonic energy. I'm sure that even if he's not heavily injured, it should still leave him in a pretty bad state.

"Sage Magic, Forbidden Art-"

Dark clouds began began to appear and is shooting lightning everywhere, tornadoes appeared and destroyed anything on its path, the land shook before it began to crack.

From the crack on the land, towering lavas spurts out. Using my life force, I forcefully controlled the nature's wrath.


Lightnings, wind, rocks, lava, all of them seemed to come to life and took different forms.

Lightning Bird, Wind Lion, Rock Golem, Lava Dragon, all four of then simultaneously attack General Paimon.

I took a deep breath as I fell down, my ki and demonic energy depleted, the bones that broke which I held using ki seems to have been broken even badly.

I layed down on the ground, with half-close eyes and barely conscious.

My forbidden art is still incomplete, even with its might, I doubt General Paimon would die from that attack.

The elementals are still attacking General Paimon even with their caster barely alive.


The head of the lightning bird exploded, causing it to dissipate, then, after the bird, the dragon, the lion, and the golem also exploded, completely dissipating.

General Paimon appeared before me with torn clothes, a broken arm, one eye lost, and bleeding body. He is staring at me with hatred-filled eyes.

"That attack was really strong, if its a sacred gear then it should be a Low-Tier Longinus level. That attack of yours is already capable of killing a low level Satan and a low class God."

I'll smirk if I can, I'm already proud to have such a powerful trumpcard, though it is still incomplete, it is already a god-slaying level spell.

However, how could General Paimon survive that if my attack is as strong as he says?

Even though he's a general, he is still one of the weakest out of the twelve.

"Wondering why I can survive that? Well, since I'm going to kill you anyways, it wouldn't hurt to tell you. The Neberius, Paimon, and Valcan worked together for an experiment.

Many were sacrificed but it couldn't be help, we will do anything to achieve our goals.

Using the blood of a Satan class devil, which is me, as the medium, we created a serum that allows one power to reach the realm of the current Satan, a serum to create an artificial Super Devil, the Super Devil Serum!"

Artificial Super Devil? Super Devil serum? Aren't those what the Naberius clan is researching in the original series?

Which leads to Kuroka being their lab-rat, obtaining the power of an Ultimate Class in such a young age and kill her master to save her sister.

"Well, there's no point on talking to you now. Well, as a payback for the injuries you gave me, I shall let you live a little longer to let you witness the deaths of your Colonel and comrade."

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