Part 3

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Niall was warm and cosy as he woke from his slumber. Snuggling down into the sheets he noticed two things, one he had a god almighty headache and two, these weren't his sheets.

There was a moment of panic as he slowly peeled open his eyes. He looked around the room and recognised it at once, he also recognised the black and grey cocker spaniel snoozing at the end of the bed.

Although you and Niall hadn't ventured into your bedroom yet, tending to just fool around on your sofa. Niall recognised it though as it is the first room you walk past when you enter your ground floor flat. You then pass your office and the bathroom before the narrow hall way opens into a large open plan living/kitchen area.

Niall's panic didn't subside once he realised he was in your flat and not someone randoms. Last night he had been drunk, very drunk and he knew he had spent a lot of time texting you. The lads had invited him out for a drink in the pub that Friday night and you had decided to stay in as you'd had a long week and wanted to relax with a glass of wine and your book.

You did have plans together for over the weekend though as you hadn't seen each other for a couple of weeks as Niall had been in Augusta for the golf.

Now it was Saturday morning and Niall was hungover in your bed, not knowing how he had got there. He hoped he hadn't embarrassed himself like he had with the lads. They had been questioning him about your relationship status and how things had been going after he had ghosted you for a few weeks. It had been Deo of all people who had called him a dick and demanded he go to yours last month and apologise for going quiet on you.

Last night Niall hadn't stopped talking about you, finding anyway to drop you in the conversation. As the drinks flowed he couldn't work out why he hadn't just gone for a few with the lads and then planned to go over to yours a bit later. He had imagined you sitting on your sofa with Monty sitting at your fluffy sock clad feet, wine on the coffee table, book in hand and music playing. But how he'd ended up here was blurry, he remembered speaking to you on the phone, his heart beating fast as you spoke to him.

Niall could hear the sweet sound of The Lumineers drifting down the hall from the living room. He knew you were awake and somewhere in the flat because you weren't next to him, and you didn't go out often without Monty behind you. And Monty was currently curled up snoring at the end of your bed.

Moving slowly so not to wake Monty, Niall sat on the edge of the bed, running his hands down his face. His headache wasn't actually as bad as he thought but he happily took the paracetamol you had left next to the bed with some water for him. Niall breathed a sigh of relief as he swallowed the painkillers and also at the realisation that he wasn't naked. He didn't want the first-time that you had sex to be when he was drunk. He wanted to remember every inch of you and to memorize every moan and sound that you made.

So far the only fooling around you'd done was kissing, touching over clothes and the odd rubbing against each other, the phrase horny teenagers was what best described it.

But taking it slow had been what you had both non verbally agreed. You both realised that the feelings you felt for each other were something you'd never experienced before. Neither of you were prepared to rush anything, preferring to savour every new thing together. The semi in Niall's tight Calvin Klein boxers showed exactly how he was feeling this morning. Luckily it wasn't too obvious under the black fabric so he followed the sound of The Lumineers song Life in the City and headed down the hallway.

Niall paused for a moment watching you grab ingredients from the fridge for breakfast. You were indeed wearing cute fluffy socks, but what he was enjoying the most was your little pj shorts and vest top which clearly showed a lack of bra.

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