Part 4

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You loved London.

Honestly you did, but when it rained it poured. Even in May.

You and Niall had both gone out in shorts and t-shirts. One minute you were taking it in turns to throw the ball for Monty across the Common, the next thing you knew a few spots of rain had turned into a downpour.

Since the weather was warm you hadn't even bothered to check the weather report before you went out, you didn't have any protection from the onslaught.

You couldn't even run home since you were wearing flip flops.

Monty was filthy by the time you and Niall reached the front door of your ground floor flat.

"Shower time for you my beautiful boy." You said as you walked over the threshold.

"Sounds good to me." Niall said with a wink.

You raised your eyes at his brazen flirting.

"What?! You weren't talking to me?! I thought I was your beautiful boy?!"

"Hmm, I suppose you're alright." You replied shrugging your shoulders.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear or see that!"

You smirked as you walked Monty down the hall towards the bathroom.

Monty loved the shower, he would happily sit and let you shampoo his coat and rinse him off. Even drying him wasn't usually dramatic and messy. Niall took on the task that Saturday afternoon, and Monty was loving every minute of his one to one attention.

"How much of this stuff do I use darlin?" He called out to you.

You walked back in from your bedroom where you'd been getting towels from the airing cupboard. Niall had Monty's shampoo bottle in his hand and was reading the back of it.

"What the shampoo?"


"Big handful should be fine." You replied.

Niall poured out the correct amount into his hand and began rubbing it into Monty's grubby fur, watching them together made your heart flutter. Just listening to Niall talk to him as he cleaned him up was enough to make you melt into a puddle.

"Ah look at you, are you loving this shower? You are aren't you? That's my boy all clean and fresh. Let's rince you off yeah, go for a snooze. Maybe I'll sneak you a few treats without your Mum seeing."

Niall took the shower head off its hook and began rinsing all the soap off Monty, he really had got covered in mud. When Monty was rinsed off, he shook his wet body and covered Niall who was still knelt down in front of him with water. Holding a hand over your mouth you managed to stifle your laugh.

"Oh yeah, you think that's funny do ya?!" Niall asked you as he stood up and switched off the shower.

"Nope, not at all." You replied smirking.

"I'll get you back for laughing."

"Sure you will Horan!" You said as you reached past Niall and leant down to scoop Monty up in a towel. Cuddling him to your chest you moved the towel over his body, trying your best to dry him.

"I'm going to take him into the living room to dry him off and get him settled, I'll be back in a minute to clean up."

It was when you were placing a warm dry towel on Monty's bed for him to lay on that you heard the shower turn on again. When he snuggled down and closed his eyes tired from your walk, you made your way down the hall and to the bathroom. Niall was stood by the edge of the shower cubicle cleaning the shower tray of any mud left over from Monty.

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