Chapter 2

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(Amber Pov)

To be honest after I showed Brooke that text she looked like she wanted to find lucas and run his ass over and honestly I wouldn't have had a problem with that I mean come on if a guy you really gave a damn about cheated on you, wouldn't you want to leave him with some type of permanent mark?  well I decided that I needed to calm her down before she turned into an angrier version of me(and we definitely don't want that!) so me and Chris took her out to her favorite place.....The Beach

"Thanks for calming me down before I did something crazy "

"No Problem girl you know we got you "said Chris

"Yea but don't worry I got something planned for him"

"Oh Shit" said Chris       

"It's not gonna be that bad....... At first" I said

"Yea but I don't want my girl getting hurt-i mean I don't want my friend getting hurt " said Chris

"Hahaha Nice save!!!" Mily giggled

(Amber Pov)

What was that? I wonder if he likes me? :)

We got to the beach and walked in the sand towards the ocean and started playing in the warm water. It was great! Brooke forgot about everything, school, work, even Mia and Lucas.

A/This chapter was short asf but the chapters will get longer  Like Vote and Comment please... :) 

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