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PB wouldn't let me out of his sight. I left to go to the bathroom and didn't tell him. That didn't go well. Right now he was sitting very close to me while I was talking to Eijirou. He didn't really do anything but flirt. The other Bakugo's were with Red in the close off space. Pink didn't want to leave me. It was already getting pretty late. Aizawa sensei said Eijirou and I can stay up late because PB wouldn't leave and Aizawa sensei didn't want us alone together. Especially with the things PB says. That's nothing compared to what he whispers in my ear. This whole situation was confusing to me. Because all of them were attracted to me. GB never made one comment about how disgusting he thought I was and BB never cried around me. All of them were different. I wonder how RB would be. He's supposed to be unstable.

"So you coming to the beach right? And please say yes". Eijirou said. "You know I am". I said. "I would love to see you in swim wear". PB said. "I'm not going in a bikini". I said. "You look hot in everything". PB said. My face heated up. PB got up. "It's time. I have to go... Before I do I have to tell you something (Y/n)". PB said. I looked at him. "No... Don't". I said. "What"? He asked. I smiled. "Bye it was nice having you around". I smiled. He had a small smile. He walked out and 7 minutes later regular normal Bakugo walked in. "Bakubro! It's good to have you back together"! Eijirou said. "Yeah...". He said. "Do you remember anything"? Eijirou asked. Bakugo looked at me. "Don't think that Pink liked you or anything"! Bakugo yelled. I smiled. "I know he didn't, don't worry". I smiled.

"Glad to have you back". I walked off. The next morning I woke up. I just noticed a note on my desk with some hearts on it. Pink... I didn't want to read it. If Bakugo wanted to confess or say anything to me... He'd do it himself. And most likely it didn't mean anything. I bawled the paper up throwing it in the trash. "Why would he return your feelings anyway? You heard what he said last night. Don't think that Pink liked you or anything". I grabbed my heart feeling a pain shoot through as my eyes watered. "It's not like anyone could like someone like me". I cried. My throat became sore and my vision blurry. "It's to early in the morning to be crying". I forced a laugh out. It was Saturday. I technically didn't have to do anything or leave my room. "I think... I'm just going to stay in here. It's not like my presence changes anything". I mumbled getting back in bed.

Bakugo's POV

I saw everyone except (Y/n). I went to Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Jirou and Sero. (Y/n) is usually up by now. "Where's (Y/n)"? I asked. "I don't know. I texted her, I went to her room but the door was locked, and there was no response. We were talking about that now. I'm worried". Kirishima said. "Did she leave or something"? I asked. "That's what worries me. She'll tell me that she's leaving". Kirishima said. "Has anything like that happened before"? Kaminari asked. "Uh... Only when she's sad. She won't talk to me and she just... Alone somewhere". Kirishima eyes widen. "Wait Kirishima! We don't know what's going on. There's no solid evidence". Sero said. Urarka and Asui walked over to us with a worried expression on their face.

"Uh... Kirishima we heard crying coming from (Y/n)'s room... And she wouldn't talk to us. So". Urarka said. Why is (Y/n) crying!? Did someone do something to her!? I swear to God I'll murder who ever hurt her. Kirishima got up. "Bakugo come with me". Kirishima said. I shrugged. We walked to (Y/n)'s room. Kirishima knocked on the door. "(Y/n)! I know you're in there"! He said. No response. "Are you ok"? Kirishima asked. Nothing. "If something is bothering you, you can talk to me y'know". Kirishima said. Nothing. "(Y/n)! Why don't you ever talk to me when something is wrong". He whispered the last part. "Sis! Please let me in". Kirishima sounded desperate.

"(Y/n)... If you're not going to open the door or talk verbally. At least text me that you're ok. You know how I worry about you when you're like this". Kirishima said. (Y/n) must be like this a lot. Why is she so broken? I know we a have our demons but... Wait she is a demon. Kirishima started to get a little upset. "Hell risen! Open this fucking door now before I break it"! I yelled. Nothing. I activated my quirk. "You trying to test me bitch"!? I growled. The door opened. (Y/n) had red puffy eyes and a pained look on her face. Kirishima hugged her.

"I'm here for you! It'll be ok"! He said. "I'm fine can you guy's leave"? (Y/n) asked. "You're obviously not fine. Who did something to you? I'll kick their ass for you". I said. "No one did. I'm just not right today. Today isn't my day. And I really don't want to smile my way through it". (Y/n) said she was mostly talking to Kirishima. "I'm going to be here no matter what. If you didn't open that door I would have stood there all day until you did. You know I would. I'll smile for you". Kirishima said. "I don't think I want to be a hero anymore Ei... This is your thing not mine". (Y/n) said. "W-what... But sis". Kirishima took in a breath. "I'm sorry that I pressured you so hard about doing what I wanted to do. I can call mom and tell them". Kirishima said.

"Wait a damn fucking second! You're not quitting on me! Yeah you had one bad fucking day. Hell everyone does. I've been fucking kidnapped before. But that doesn't mean you should just give up"! I growled. If she left I'd miss her. "I'll force you, I'll fucking do it! You deserve to want to do this! I believe you can be a great sidekick for me"! I said. (Y/n) stared at me. She gave me a small smile. My feelings for here keep getting worse.

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