Ch. 5: Fire V. Ice

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    Ains Ooal Gown may seem calm and collected on the outside, but was a nervous wreck on the inside. Today was the day Sauron was meeting with him. Not only that, but he was bringing with him three other companions, undoubtably all going to be very powerful.

Albedo: Lord Ains, they're here.

    Ains tended up at the news and awaited there arrival in his throne. Like before all his Guardians and the Pleiades were standing by in case things go wrong. Albedo and Demiurge standing on his left and right.

    Then the doors open... and reveal three figures. One of them was a female, beautiful and elegant, wearing a black silk dress and had black hair. She strode forward with grace and wore a small but knowing smile on her face. Her violet eyes piercing.

    The second was a man, but emanated powerful magic, not unlike the Mouth. In fact, his eyes were hidden by a helm not unlike Mouth, but his clothing was more armored and had splashes of red and black.

    The last definently stood out the most. He was a large, flaming demon with horns flaming wings. He was large enough to cover the entire doorway to his throne room, but began to shrink once getting closer. He was still larger than Cocytus my a large margin.

    The three visitors stood before Ains and bowed, but didn't kneel as Ains noticed. The first to speak was the woman.

Ungoliant: Lord Ains Ooal Gown, greetings from the Dark Lord of Mordor. I am Ungoliant, the Spider Goddess, Mother of all spiders. With me is Overlord Agandaur of Angmar, and Morgoth, the King of Balrogs and Champion of Mordor.

Ains: Greetings. To my understanding your Lord Sauron was to be present to this meeting, and yet he is not here.

    As soon as he said that a flash of fire appeared before them in the shape of a flaming eye. The black pupil was the shape of a man and seemed to be growing larger until a figure in menacing black armor stood tall before the Sorceror. The flames then go out.

(0:06 to 0:24 for visual)

Sauron: Forgive me for the late arrival, Ains Ooal Gown.

    All the Guardians and Battle Maids were stunned for a moment before growing angry and about to pounce, but a lift of Ains' hand halted them.

Ains: Impressive. Nazarick is protected heavily by my magics and should be impossible to teleport in here without a guild ring. And yet, here you are.

Sauron: I'll admit it was very difficult. It used much of my magic to do that little trick, but nothing to strenuous.

Ains: This guy... just how powerful are you? Well then, let's get right to it.

Sauron: Indeed. Ungoliant.

Ungoliant: So sexy.

Sauron: What was that?

Ungoliant: *Ahem* nothing, My Lord. I present to you the Lord of Mordor and Overlord of all under him; The Dark Lord Sauron, the Deciever, the Necromancer, the Lord of Gifts and Wolves, the Lord of the Rings.

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