#1 (Malachai)

513 7 4

Request: Riverdale imagine the reader is Sweet Pea sister Kai flirts w/ u knowing full well of who u r and stuff like that and that u can't be together and stuff like that and Toni comes and saves u bcuz u know that u can't be w/ Kai and the reader and stuff like that and Toni sees and helps the reader threw it and stuff. Requested by @cokecola4211.

"You are aware of who I am, right?" You pretended to be unimpressed by Kai's flirting.

"Of course I do, serpent. What does it matter?" He took a few steps closer and you a few steps back until you reached your locker.

"What do you want, Kai?" You turned your head to the side, so your faces wouldn't touch.

"You. I want you".

"Not gonna happen" you giggled.

"We'll see about that".

"Go away, Ghoulie. She doesn't want you" Toni ordered and he seemed to be threatened by her, so he left.

"Thanks". "Are you okay?".

"Not really. He's an asshole and a douchebag and yet I like him. How do I unfeel these feelings?".

"We'll figure this out together, I promise" she put her hand around you.

"You're the best friend ever!".

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