Unexpected Someone

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It was almost night time. The sun was setting and the stars were about to come out and twinkle.

I've heard news about a big party in the castle, maybe it's because of the return of Queen Elsa from the forest.

I was laying on my bed, in boredom and wondered if I should join the party or not.

'I'm not really a party person, but if I go then I can see how it will all turn out. Maybe I can even talk to the Queen and- hold on me, calm down you're getting too excited. And a bit too gay...'

I got up from my bed and started to look through my closet for anything fancier to put on. I looked through many dresses and outfits and finally found one that looked comfortable enough to wear.

I changed into the outfit and I already felt really fancy in it.
"This would do, for now." as I said to myself.

I got out of my room and opened the door of my house. I locked it because I don't want anyone to break in and rob my house. Then again, the robbers wouldn't have anything to really rob anyways.

I took a last glance of my house, before before taking off towards the castle.


I walked and pushed myself around the crowd, trying to make my way to somewhere where it's peaceful and quiet to be at.

'There are too many people here, I'm about to be squeezed to death if I don't get to somewhere where I can relax.'

I then felt someone grab me by my arm, getting me out of the crowded.
When we were somewhere farther away from the big crowd, I looked at the person who dragged me.

"Q-Queen Elsa?" I said, stuttering on my own words. This moment felt like a big dream to me that I would wake up from any minute now.

I bowed down to her, trying to be as formal as possible, but this felt really embarrassing to me for an unknown reason. "You don't have to be so formal, it's alright." she said to me, her voice being as gentle as it can be.

There was some awkward silence between us, maybe it's because I did not expect her to get me out of that crowded mess.

I tried to be less awkward and spoke up, "W-Why did you help me out of the crowd?"
"Because you looked really troubled and I came as quickly as I could to rescue you."

'She helped me? But why me? Why not some other person who is literally about to be squeezed in the crowd and die just like me?' I thought to myself before speaking up again.
"Thank you, for helping me out, I really appreciate it." She had a little smile form on her face. A very sympathetic one.

"I'm glad that I could help then, it's my pleasure. Also I wanted to ask something, what's your name?"

I felt a little bit of sweat drip done my neck from how nervous I was.

"My name is Y/N, Queen Elsa." I felt more nervous by the second, because she is the Queen after all, and she has never talked to me, like EVER. Not even once interacted with me, until now.

"What a lovely name." she spoke gently, again.

I then felt my face heat up like wild fire.
Elsa noticed my face getting redder and inched closer to me.

"Are you feeling alright? Your face is getting really red, is something wrong?" she asked me, clearly confused on what is happening to me.

"I-I'm fine! Really, it's just the heat in this place is really getting to me, y'know?" I tried to act it off as cool as possible, but I guess life had other plans.

She placed her cold hand on my forehead, it was actually very refreshing but my face was getting more redder and the feeling sweat in my palms didn't help either.

"You're really warm. Are you sure you're okay?" she was really starting worry about me, while I felt like dying again.

"Y-Yeah I'm f-fine! Totally!" I quickly stammered out.
'Jeez, it's getting hot in here.'(inster slumber party)

Elsa's POV

Y/N's face was getting redder quicker than it was before and I was really worried about her being sick or anything like that.

She then started swaying a bit, going from one side to the other, and slowly while Y/N was unaware of what was happening.

"Y/N? Are you-" I was cut off by her falling onto me, while I quickly tried to hold her by her elbows. I felt my own cheecks starting to heat up but only just a little. I picked her up in bridal style, trying to be really careful.

'What am I going to do with you?' I sighed and walked through the hallways to make my way to a quieter room.

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