Flustering Mess

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Elsa's POV
I was walking through the hallways, holding Y/N's hand. I tightened my grip a little, hoping she doesn't go wander around and do something, well, stupid. So I tried to form a bit of a conversation.

"Um.. So.. Tell me a bit about yourself." I tried to break the silence between us and I'm guessing it kinda worked.
"I don't really remember everything, but all I remember was that I was raised without parents. So Ive basically lived alone my whole life."

my expression had changed into a more sympathetically sad one, it was.. quite depressing and sad to hear, then I took a glance at her, to see what her expression was.
Her face looked neutral, but I could still feel that she felt sad that she has had to live alone her whole life with no parental figure. She wasn't looking at me, just staring off into space.

I stopped walking for a second, which she took note of and was confused. Then, I let go of her hand and hugged her, pretty tight.

She was surprised from the sudden action, from the sudden hug that I gave her. It was a hug that was like 'I'm sorry for making you talk about something personal', and I guess she realized it was supposed to be that kind of hug. A small smile formed on her lips and she slowly raised her arms to hug me back, by my waist of course.

We were like that for at least a good minute or more, before pulling away from each other. I held her hand again and started making our way to the party to check on the people again. And then maybe do whatever later on.

We were wandering around in the massive crowd. Until I suddenly bumped into someone, then I realized the person I bumped into it was my sister, Anna.

"Oh, sorry Anna. I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologized for bumping into her. "It's alright Elsa, and who's that over there?" she asked, pointing to the person i was holding hands with.

"Her name's Y/N, I helped her out of the crowd because she looked lost and had trouble getting out of it." Y/N slightly waved at Anna with her other hand pretty shyly and started to cling on my arm a bit. 'I never actually knew she was shy. Cute.'

"Well it's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Anna, which you probably know already." Anna had a sweet smile form on her face whilst Y/N buried her face into my arm. I booped her nose, while she had some blush form on her cheeks.

"Aww you two look adorable together." Anna blurted out. I was flustered a bit,and quite off guard from that comment made by her. And I even think that Y/N was blushing.

"I'll leave you two on your own. Bye, have fun together!" and with that, Anna disappeared into the big crowd, while I was still thinking about what Anna said.

Y/N eventually pulled away from me and looked somewhere else. Wasn't quite sure where though. Then, at that moment, I noticed the music changed into something... Slower. 'What. What is happening? Why did the music change..' I asked myself and looked to see if Y/N was by my side but I didn't see her near me.

'Where did she go?' I went to find her but couldn't see her anywhere. 'She was just with me a few seconds ago, how can she dissappear so quickly from my side?'

I sighed, still trying to look for her. Then, I heard a familiar voice come from a different room, a little bit away from where I was at. Of course I knew it was Y/N's voice and immediately followed it.
I opened the door to the room and saw Anna and Kristoff talking to Y/N. I was confused on why they were talking to her. They noticed me and pushed Y/N towards me. She stumbled a little from the push while I was still confused on what they were even talking about and why did they drag her here.

Thoughts flooded my mind until Y/N grabbed my hands, she was really nervous for some reason. "D-Do you want t-to dance with m-me?" she blurted out. I was surprised on what she had asked and a smile had crept on my face. "Of course." she looked at me while blushing and with a very shy expression while Anna and Kristoff were smirking at us from within the room.

I then dragged Y/N to the party and there was still some slow music when we got there. 'Why do I have a weird feeling this is all planned? I mean, it probably does if Anna was involved'

I put my right hand around Y/n's waist and my left hand grabbing her hand. She put her other free hand on my shoulder and we slowly started dancing to the music.

'God, what is happening?! I'm literally about to pass out right here right now..'

Me and Queen Elsa were slow dancing and looking at each other's eyes. I was very flustered at how close we were during this moment. Some people even were looking at us. I wanted to scream so badly but I just couldn't or I would embarrass myself even more in front of hundreds of people. Some giggling was heard behind us but I couldn't just turn around and look who they were. But the voice did sound familiar...

After some time passed, it was time for everyone to go. Queen Elsa was talking to her sister after our dance. They were talking about some stuff and I could've sworn I saw Elsa blushing.

I let it slip by and started to walk away from them. I heard some running behind me and I turned around to see Queen Elsa standing in front of me. "Is something the matter?" I asked her. "Oh, no, nothing of that sort. I was just going to ask if you were going home." she responded to me.

Well I mean, I was about to but..."I was actually," but in all honesty, i really didn't want to go home, I wanted to stay here, with... her... "Hm.. Well.. You can stay here if you want, of course." my eyes lit up and I quickly hugged her by her waist. "I would love to!" she was very surprised of my awnser and had a smile form on her lips as she slowly hugged me back.

Then, not long after, someone awed at us. We looked to see who it was and saw Anna standing there along with Kristoff. "You two look so cute!!" Anna said in the most happiest tone. Me and Queen Elsa's cheeks started getting redder, which caused the both of us to not make eye contact with eachother.

'Oh c'mon, I think I'm having a headache again.' I held onto Queen Elsa's arm to not fall anywhere, like before. "Can we... go somewhere else.. Elsa?" I tried to mumble what I said but I'm guessing Elsa understood anyhow.

"I think we'll part our ways now. I'll see you in the morning, Anna." Elsa waved a little goodbye to them as we started walking through the halls, trying to get to her room once more.

A/N: Sorry for this taking a little longer, I was trying to make a longer chapter and school got in my way as well. I'm having some tests coming up and I have to study for them. But I'll try to post more chapters. Anyways i hope you'll have a great time :). Btw sorry if my chapters aren't that good, English is my second language and it's hard to make a good chapter sometimes.

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