Chapter 17: Christmas

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A.N: So sorry it is long wait. School is hectic. I have two essays due tomorrow but I am writing this instead.

The next day I was the talk of the school. Everywhere I went people stared. The twins and Lee used it to their advantage and if we had lessons in the same direction they would yell, "Out the way Slytherin heir coming through!"

It did attract more attention but it meant I was in the clear to walk down the hallway. The Hufflepuff's had been reluctant to trust me but Justin had come up and thanked me and they seemed uninterested now. The Ravenclaws also just observed me more than anything although some questioned what exactly I had said to settle their curiosity. The Gryffindor's majority supported me and Ron was getting a lot of glares. But the most surprising was the Slytherin, some found it amusing and had started conversations with me and I found they were nice. They thought the rumour was absurd but as it let them socialise with others outside their house to talk about it they liked it. Obviously, there was those in Gryffindor house that didn't like the rumour but as it allowed me to talk to Draco openly I didn't care.

But those no matter what house that didn't like the accusations and me being a parselmouth didn't miss an opportunity to either taunt or try to hex me. The twins and Lee were so busy pranking those that hexed me they were never around to protect me like they wanted, meaning it was a never-ending loop.


Thankfully everyone had gone home for Christmas because they were scared about the attacks. Justine and Nearly Headless Nick had been attacked a short while before the break which meant that I had been accused again. Just when people were starting to think of other things. But when everyone went home I could finally walk down the halls in relative peace. The Gryffindor house had all left bar the Weasleys and Hermione along with a few stray upper years. I had told Draco I was going to spend time with him on Christmas and had agreed to eat breakfast together. 

This is where I am right now exchanging gifts. Draco has gotten me a book on rare creatures signed by Newt Scamander along with some chocolate frogs. Narcissa has gotten me some chocolate and a few headpieces. Ron, who had finally admitted he was being a prat has got me a book called Flying with the Cannons, Hermione has brought me an eagle-feather quill, Mrs Weasley made me another jumper with plum cake (I had taken the jumper into the bathroom with me to take off the spell), George and Lee again went together and got me pranking material, Fred has gotten me a photo of us all last Christmas and the rest of the people in my year didn't get me anything as they weren't sure if I was the heir of Slytherin. Though Seamus had promised to write to me through the break and he had kept that promise so far.

"Thanks, Bella, I love it," Draco grins, I had gotten him a new pair of seekers gloves that have green trimmings for Slytherin. "How was your Christmas so far?" he asks as we sit down.

"Alright, I didn't get presents from the same people as last year because of the heir of Slytherin thing," I sigh.

"Well, then they are idiots and will soon learn," he declares.

"Your right," I agree with a small chuckle. Before we can continue our conversation the twins come to sit with us. They aren't too keen on Draco but don't say anything as he has never directly caused any problems with them and is supporting me in the heir of Slytherin business. "Yes?" I ask to prompt them out of their silence.

"We were wondering if you wanted to do something after breakfast," George offers, I frown a little as they didn't do their twin speech like normal. They use it in front of people other than Lee and me because they like to confuse and trick people. I know they definitely don't trust Draco enough to not speak in twin speak so something must be bothering one of them.

"I was going to hang out with Draco," I answer shaking my head to clear my head.

"He can come," Geroge shrugs turning to Draco who hesitantly nods. "Cool! Meet us outside," he tells us before walking away. As I watch them leave Fred punches George in the arm apparently angry about something.

"Did that just happen?" Draco asks incredulously making me tear my gaze away from the twins.

I chuckle at his face, "Apparently." He shakes his head and changes the subject for the rest of breakfast. 


When we meet the twins outside the hall Fred looks annoyed about something while George looks smug. I was going to ask but decide against it. "So what did you guys want to do?" I ask stopping in front of them.

George grins bouncing on his toes in excitement, "How about an old fashioned snowball fight."

"No teams," Fred adds. I reluctantly agree. I quickly summon my coat, scarf and gloves. Draco doing the same as the boys already have theirs. As we walk outside I make Fred hang back slightly.

"Thank you for letting Draco join its important to me you all get along," I say grinning at him.

"Uh, it's no problem, besides I know what his family has done for you," Fred answers awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Still. Also are you okay you looked annoyed?"

"Yeah, just George had pushed me over a minute before you got there," he tells me. I shrug and we catch up with the others.


George ended up winning this year. Stupid beaters aim, Fred was doing okay until he found an icy patch and kept falling while we pelted him with snowballs making him surrender. Draco and I were better at dodging than aiming but oh well. We are all in the kitchen having hot chocolate and cookies to warm up.

"I told you, you would get along," I grin triumphantly at the three boys who are nearly in tears from laughter.

When he calms down Draco rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah we get it."

I shake my head, "But this is so helpful, this means the people that know the truth are all getting along better."

"Wait! They know," Draco exclaims turning his head before wincing and clutching his neck with his hand.

"Yeah, they found out the last Christmas," I tell him before lowering my voice and whispering in his ear, "But they don't know my grandfather's identity."

He nods, "I won't say anything." I grin at him and when I turn around George is frowning but Fred looks angry.

"So, now they know when it all comes out I have more people on my side and you can all help me," I say with a tentative smile not exactly sure what had put them in a mood. They agree and we talk a little about my plan. Unfortunately, Ron came back and apologised at the start of the holidays for his behaviour so I can't get rid of him just yet. BUt the twins are sure he will muck up and we just have to play the waiting game.

By the end of the day the twins have started to like Draco more and I am glad although Fred seems hesitant.


The boys and I are walking back to the common room. "Bells are you sure Draco isn't the heir?" Fred asks out of the blue as Geroge and I had been discussing an element of one of our pranks that had gone wrong. Turns out that the powder paint bombs had an early detonation if they were moved about too much.

"I am positive, I think I might know who it is, but I haven't got proof just a feeling," I admit, "If I get proof I will do something immediately."

"Tell us?"


"What! Why?" They cry outraged.

"Because you will get caught up on that theory," I tell them.

"True," George nods.

"You could still tell us," Fred grumbles.

"But I won't. Now let's go eat loads of chocolate," I grin before telling the fat lady the password.

A.N: I know it is a sucky chapter. Very short. But will try to have another one out soon. I mean the valentines day one is next.

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