Chapter 68: confessions

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A.N: Okay very short chapter I know but OMG the end hits me in all the feels. Hope you enjoy. I will be updating soon.

I walk into the dining room from last night to see the boys sat at the table. "Are you okay sweetheart?" grandfather asks.

"Oh yes, I was just finishing off," I smile.

"What were you doing?" Fred asks me as I take my seat next to him and he kisses my hand.

"I decided to make you all breakfast," I explain putting my napkin on my lap.

"I don't know whether to be excited about your food or worried how early you woke up?" Sirius asks. "Her food is amazing," he tells grandfather and Fred. Just then the house-elves put the food onto the table. 

"How much did you think we would eat?"

I chuckle, "I am used to making large amounts when I make food for others."

Grandfather exhales through his nose, "I am going to assume those things used to eat this much." He looks me in the eye and tells me, "I actually none of us expect you to do anything you don't want to do. Not even to allow you to stay here. You don't need to make food so that you can eat or sleep inside you merely existing means you get those things. If you wish to cook please do but don't think it is expected of you."

"Alright, I promise I won't do anything I don't want to," I agree.

"Great!" Sirius claps before taking some food. "Now I know we covered most of it last night but we have to talk about the first time you will be seen in public together outside of the platform," he continues.

"I was thinking a summertime ball to announce the Slytherin house back into the wizarding world," grandfather suggests.

"It doesn't need to be welcomed back it is well known," I argue shaking my head. "Why don't we hold a ball for my birthday? After all other pureblood heiresses have a ball at 15. It is usually a debutante ball but mine can just be a birthday one. I am sure the people want to see where the elusive Slytherin lord lives," I suggest.

"As long as it is clear it isn't a debutante ball. I don't think I could handle multiple lords shoving marriage contacts under my nose. I am just about holding it together that you have a boyfriend," grandfather states though he seems to be pouting.

I smirk, "I'm sure that it can be made clear, especially as everyone else likes to inform me that Fred is particularly protective."

"I don't know if I like that," grandfather says pointing his fork at Fred.

Fred shrugs and takes my hand, "Better I who loves her than those who want her money and fame especially now with her connection to you." Grandfather huffs but doesn't say anything else.

"Alright, so Fred can come to the ball along with his brother Charlie as he is Lord Prewett. Those in Fred's family you get to choose, obviously some people your age we have to invite but you can add suggested it is your party," Sirius interrupts, "Though Fred you will have to travel here like everyone else." We all agree and spend the morning planning the ball.

"Bella will you come with me I want to show you something," grandfather asks. I nod and stand he leads me to the family wing that all of us were sleeping in at the moment though Fred was at the end of the corridor. That was more for practicality so he won't get lost. Grandfather wasn't that keen on him, not yet anyway. He leads me to the door opposite mine that I hadn't been in. It was on the other side of the master suite that grandfather slept in. He stops me outside the door. "This was your mother's room. I never had the heart to change it," he explains once he opens the door. The room was decorated in pastel colours with oak wood furniture. There are toys and books around the room for a child but it is pristine after all this time. I walk in and go towards the bed and there are stuffed toys in it with a mobile hanging over it but has magical creatures hanging from it. I touch the unicorn before turning to grandfather but he is by the bookshelf that is near the doors to lead to the balcony. He takes off a book and sits on the sofa in the room. I sit next to him and he passes the book over.

"It was your mothers baby book. Your grandmother liked the idea and was a budding photographer. I have more I can show you another day," He tells me as I look through the book. 

"This is the first time I have seen what she looks like."

"Your mother?"

"No grandmother," I answer.

He slowly puts his arm around my shoulders, "I have many I can show you. She took photos all the time so there are some during our courtship and of her childhood. You look more like her than people know." I smile and lean into him. We spend time going through the book with him telling me of the memories with the book


Fred POV:

I wake up to knocking on my door. It is still dark so I am confused about a minute and walk to the door. I open it to see Bells standing there with tear stains on her cheeks. "One moment love," I murmur kissing her forehead. I pull on a top and grab a jumper. I pull the jumper over her top and pyjama bottoms it swallows her. I pick her up so she is wrapped around me, we walk like this down to the kitchen. I sat her on the side. The head elf of the kitchen popped in.

"Can I be helping with anything Mr and Misses?"

"If you could make us two hot chocolates please," I ask. While Tipsy makes them I hug Bells stroking her back and hair kissing her forehead. 

"Here you going Mr and Misses."

"Thank you Tipsy that will be all," I dismiss. Once the elf is gone I slowly pull back from her and hand her the hot chocolate and sit next to her. "Nightmare?"

"Yeah, don't know why but it was what would have happened if I had gone along with dumbledore but mum was alive. She was screaming at me for killing my grandfather and then you were there and you looked at me with hatred and let Ron take me. It was awful," she murmurs looking down. I put my mug back down and stand in front of her holding her face.

"That will NEVER happen. I love you and you will Never hurt your grandfather. I will never let you go unless you ask. Dumbledore will not be a problem soon and we will all help you," I tell her. She starts to tear up and I hug her again and she buries her face in my chest and wraps her arms around me. 

Once she calms down I make her stand up. "Let me take your mind off it," I say gently and she nods hesitantly. I go to wizarding radio and find a channel that is playing music. I take her hand in mine and put the other behind her back and lead her around the kitchen.


"Dancing," I answer, "I like having you in my arms and I know you like dancing." She smiles and rests her head on my shoulder.

We continue to dance for at least six more songs when an upbeat one comes on so she pulls back and we start to dance. At the end of the song, we are on opposite sides of the kitchens with utensils as microphones. I laugh and walk over to her to put the spoon back. "Feel better?" I ask kissing her forehead. 

"I do," she nods and kisses my lips, I put my arms around her waist. When our lips separate I rest my forehead on hers with my eyes close. "I love you, Fred," she whispers. I feel the grin split my face before I reply back.

"I love you to Belladonna."

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