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Aspens pov

"Wait what?" I ask Adam and a tear slips from his eye

"I can't play... coach took me out" he says looking at me

"We have a game against Australia tonight" I say in disbelief

Adam says "the scouts... my dad..."

He finally allows a few tears to escape

"It's okay Adam, you are gonna have plenty of chances with the scouts" I cup his face and wipe his tears "your a amazing player"

He smiles a little and hugs me so I hug back "thank you" I hear his voice muffled

We pull away from the hug and I stand up "i should go" I say quietly

He nods and smiles "your gonna do amazing at tonight's game"

I smile and walk out

- - -

"sup traitor" I hear a familiar accent from behind me

I turn and see jace holding his helmet "now you want to talk to me?" I ask with a soft voice

His face goes soft for a minute but he quickly clenches his jaw "I see you've learned how to cover your accent a bit"

I see my team looking at me in the corner of my eye so I grab his wrist and bring him to the other side of the rink "yea, but it's still there" I say allowing my accent to become normal

"Coach misses you, Elijah misses you" he adds and looks at his skates "I miss you" he says the last part quiet

"I miss everyone too" I sigh "but you guys have to understand this was best for me" my eyes water and I quickly blink the tears away

"Best team wins" he smiles and sticks out his hand I look up at him and smile shaking his hand

"Best team wins"

"Now let me see what you've learned on team USA" he laughs "you should come say hi to the team before the game"

My smile grows bigger "come on" I say skating towards my old coach and teammates

Elijah sees me and his face lights up he skates to me quickly and hugs me tight before I can reach the team "ASPEN" he yells

He releases me after a few minutes and pulls me towards the team "so the whole team got chosen after all" I smile and suddenly I'm getting tackled by the whole team I giggle as they release me

I look at my old coach and he smiles "your going places kid" he hugs me and I hear my name from the bleachers

I follow the yelling and I see my mom she waves at me and I wave excited

"I missed you all" I say and I hear a chorus of 'I missed you too'

"Well I should get back to the team" I wave and they wave back

"Let's see what you got Lopez!" Elijah yells

I turn and smile "back at you"

I get back to my team and Jesse looks me up and down "is there a problem?" I say covering my accent once again

"Just remember what side your on" he growls lowly

"Don't worry he said that to me too" Adam says rolling his eyes

I glare for a minute and look over and see Russ in a jersey "your playing now?" I smile

"You betcha!" He says enthusiastically

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