Chapter 3 - Jealousy's a Bitch

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"Ugh, I just can't believe her," Lilly went on, grabbing her toast from the toaster and placing it onto a plate, butter knife at the ready.

I shook my head at her, despite the fact that she was focused on her breakfast. "I hate having to sleep in the room practically opposite of theirs, knowing that they're sleeping together-"

"No, enough. I don't need any more imagery than I get off the two of them when they're in front of me," she placed her fingertips on both sides of her head.

As much as I despised seeing them together, I knew that Emily was probably a really nice girl. It's such a shame that my jealousy got in the way of stuff like this, but I couldn't help it, especially since he had been anchored in my life since I met Lilly, and since he pushed me over at the bus stop.

I stood up and took my plate over to the side, placing it down and staring out into their front garden at the occasional car passing by on the road not too far away. Sometimes I'd catch myself floating away from reality, studying random scenery and imagining strange and wonderful alternate realities. But at that moment, I just felt lost. Lost in a reality where Jake wasn't mine, and I couldn't even imagine us together.

"Morning," a voice sounded from the entrance to the kitchen, a blonde girl with a messy bun entered and rubbed her eyes as she waddled over to the fridge.

Lilly was buttering her second slice of toast and I'm pretty sure that if it weren't for her own self-control, the knife probably wouldn't have been directed at the toast anymore. Her glare was bad at the best of times, but in the morning, around Emily, pre-breakfast? Yeah, she looked ready to kill.

"Morning," Lilly and I replied unenthusiastically as she looked me up and down, clenching her teeth before resuming her business. Emily was probably just jealous that my booty was popping and hers was flopping, but oh well.

"So," Emily started as she ravaged the cupboards. "What are you guys gonna do today?" she asked.

Lilly looked at me, taken aback and with a snarky look both at once. I could tell exactly what this face meant; that the two of us were feeling the exact same thing. "Uh... Probably just chill in the sun outside. Maybe go in the pool..." she trailed off, mouthing 'and then pushing you in' to me.

"Oh. Fun," she replied, still rambling through the cupboards.

"Emily?" Lilly asked her, making her stop where she stood.

She made a sharp turn. "What?"

"What are you looking for?" I could tell by Lilly's tone that she felt the need to take control. Her way of displaying not only household dominance, but prominence in her brother's life.

Emily looked around before replying. "The cereal," she all but spat.

"Bottom right," Lilly turned back to me after informing her.

"Thanks," Emily said, hastily taking the box from the cupboard as if she'd known all along. After pouring herself the cereal and splashing it with milk, a quarter of which ended up on the kitchen island somehow, she headed back towards Jake's room.

The second she was out of earshot, Lilly turned to me. "We have to do something to avoid them today. I'm not spending our entire summer with them. I have no idea why Jake isn't out and about with his friends more, or taking her out, but I can't handle seeing-"

"Morning, guys" Jake entered, looking way too presentable for how early in the morning it was. This time, though, he had more on than just his boxers.

Yes, that was a complaint.

"Morning," I replied, my mouth full of my last bite of buttered toast.

"Nice," he simply said, walking past me.

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