The date is here. Part 1

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Harvey's POV

Ella was really nervous and I could feel it, and I tired to start up a conversation

"So, is this your first date" I asked her

"Umm, yeah" she answered still nervously

So i decided to sing our song nervous

I'm over thinking every move,
Laughing looking at my shoes,
Still getting used to nervous,
Cause I'm never getting used to your perfect,
Wearing out every excuse,
Just to spend some time with you,
Still getting used to nervous,
Cause I'm never getting used to your perfect,

And she sang along

I'm never getting used to your perfect,

And we started laughing and I think she got less nervous, I don't know

"So where are you taking me" she asks facing the road

"That's for me to know and for you to wait and see" I says and laughs

"Ugggh fine" she says and faces the road " do you even know how to get there?"

"Nope" I say popping the p

"Then where are you taking me??" She asks confused

"I just need to get to Lekki and my Google Map will do the rest" I says and face the road

"You know, the way you pronounce Nigerian words are funny" she says

"Yh, I know..that's why you like me" I say and she laughs

Ella's POV

We drove silently at first because I was really nervous

Then he asked me if this was my first date and I said yes because I was still nervous
So he started sing his song Nervous and I sang along with
I don't know why but it just made me feel less nervous

And I asked him where we where going and if he knows the road and he didn't give me a reasonable answer, so I left it at that

"I'm really hungry" I said eyeing the Domino's pizza I saw

"You wanna go get something to eat" he asks me

"Yes please" I said

And we parked in the the restaurant

We got in and ordered out pizza and we sat down, then the receptionist called out "Harella" and Harvey went to go get

"Harella?" I questioned him

"Yeah, since we are both eating why don't we ship our names" he says like he is explaining to a three year old

"Okay" I said I dug into my food

We ate in silence, I try to sneak a peek at him and he was looking at me, I look down trying to hide my blush. "I wonder why he is looking at me" I thought to myself

"Hey, why this silence, its giving me the creeps" I finally say

"I thought you'll never say that" he said through laughter and I joined in the laughter

We had finished eating
"Hey, you know we haven't gotten where we are going right?" He asked me

"Oh, I actually thought this was it" I said

"Of course not, the fun is about to begin" he says and smirks


Hey guys❤❤🤗
Sorry for the short chapter
If there are any grammatical errors please tell me
Hope you guys like the story so far

Please vote and comment what you think🤗🤗


-Mystery writer

My Nigerian Girl //Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now