Save Gaara!!!

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Gaara's capture had been sent out to the Hidden Leaf village. In fact, the minute that the message was received, Shizune immediately woke both you and Tsunade out of bed. 


Tsunade: What happened? 

Shizune: I don't know exactly, all I know is that the Hidden Sand is in a panic. 

(Y/N): This has to be the work of the Akatsuki. They're after the tailed beasts, and Gaara is the current host of Shukaku, the One Tail. I'm going after them. 

Tsunade: (Y/N), are you sure about this? The Akatsuki are S-rank criminals. 

(Y/N): Well I have to do this. I have to save Gaara, he's my friend. And I have to make sure they don't get Naruto either. 

Tsunade: Okay. I'll authorize this as a new mission, but please make sure to be careful. 

You give Tsunade a passionate kiss on the lips. 

(Y/N): I'll be alright my Goddess. Just make sure to wait for me. 

Tsunade: Of course my little ninja. I will always have wait for you to come back. 

Shizune sat by Tsunade to comfort her as you exited your house to alert Team Celestia, Team Luna, Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi to hurry over to the Hidden Sand. 

After alerting all of them. 


Fluttershy: How heartless. 

Rainbow: If those monsters extract Shukaku from his body, he's going to die. 

Rarity: It's still sad that Gaara's even going through this. He already went through enough when he was a child, he doesn't deserve to suffer anymore. 

Kakashi: Then we have to head to the Hidden Sand now. 

You guys all rush to the gate, until you notice 4 familiar figures. 

One was tall and wore a purple outfit, she had orange and yellow hair tied into a knot. She had fingerless purple gloves, yellow skin, and purple heeled sandals. It was Adagio Dazzle. Her other two sisters Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze were right next to her. Sonata was wearing a pink outfit with a pink skirt, and pink sandals. Aria was wearing a light blue shirt, and light blue pants, as well as light blue sandals. And right beside the Dazzlings was none other than the fangirl herself, Temari, Gaara and Kankuro's sister. 

Adagio: Naruto? Is that you? 

Sonata: HI NARUTO!!! 

Aria: Sonata not so loud. 

Temari: Well if it isn't the little Fox Boy. And hey Dashie, you're looking swell today. 

Naruto: Hey Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and uh ...... Who are you? 

Temari: I'm Temari ... you know Gaara's sister. 

Naruto: Oh yeah, you're Shikamaru's girlfriend. 

Temari blushed and all the girls laughed. You and Kakashi just coughed a chuckle. 

Temari: I am not dating Shikamaru alright!! We're just friends!! 

Sonata: Sure Temari, we believe you. 

Temari: Sonata!!! SHUT IT!! 

Sonata hid behind her older sisters in fear. 

Aria: (facepalm) Did you have to add the extra tease there? 

(Y/N): It's fine. It's great to see you guys again. 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 2 (male reader x Naruto and Mlp EG harem)Where stories live. Discover now