The Jinchuriki Brothers vs. Orochimaru!/Naruto's Rage!

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You guys travel all the way to the Land of the Grass to reach Tenchi Bridge to find out more about this "spy." And what he knew about Orochimaru. The journey took several days. Including with various things happening, such as Sai continuing to insult Naruto's man area, and well Pinkie just being random. Also Naruto kept getting more and more annoyed with Sai every single second. 

Soon enough, you guys were about to reach Tenchi Bridge. 

Yamato: Alright is everyone ready? 

(Y/N): You bet Yamato!! I'm ready anytime!! 

Anko: I'm going to see my former master again, so of course I'm ready. 

Sakura: All accounted for, hopefully we can get Sasuke back this time around. 

Fluttershy: We'll find a way Sakura!! I can promise you that! 

Sunset: I'm ready. 

Adagio: I'm fully prepared!! How about you girls? 

Aria and Sonata: YES!! 

Rainbow: Then let's get going!!! 

(Y/N): I'm ready!! Here we go!! 

You guys rush off to the bridge and reach the site. 

(Y/N): There it is, Tenchi Bridge! 

Twilight: It doesn't look like there is anyone around here. 

Naruto: Uh, we must have gotten here early. 

Anko: So what's the plan? 

Yamato: You guys should stay here and I'll let you know when to jump out. 

(Y/N): And Yamato and I will disguise ourselves as Sasori. I still remember how he looks like when he wore Hiruko. So with Yamato helping me out, this should be a cinch. 

Everyone moves up into the trees nearby, and prepares for the ambush. 

(Y/N): Okay, they should be showing up any second now. 

You and Yamato use your combined chakra to transform into Sasori, who would be inside of the puppet Hiruko. 

Yamato is at the back of the puppet, and you are in the front, acting like the eyes, and voice. 

Soon enough a figure is approaching you guys. 

You try to get a better look at who it is. That figure looks too familiar. Almost like if you had met this guy before. Now you recognize this fellow, he's wearing glasses, and has silver hair!! IT'S KABUTO!!!! 

The rest of the group recognize Kabuto immediately!! 

Twilight: Kabuto? 

Rainbow: Orochimaru's right hand man?! He's Sasori's spy? 

(Y/N): I don't believe it. It's Kabuto. 

Yamato: Wait Kabuto? As in Kabuto Yakushi, Orochimaru Number 2? 

(Y/N): The one and only. 

Kabuto: It's been a long time Lord Sasori. 

(Y/N): (in Sasori's voice) Yes it has been Kabuto. Did you find out anything when you were with Orochimaru? Doing this voice is killing my throat. 

Kabuto: I have found out a lot of things in Orochimaru's time. 

Sai was spying on them with complete interest. 

Fluttershy: Um, Sai, is there something wrong? 

Sai: Oh no, nothing is wrong. 

(Y/N): (Sasori) Interesting, well do you have any information about Sasuke Uchiha. I would love to know more about the boy. He is Itachi's baby brother after all. 

Kabuto: Well about Sasuke he- 

Orochimaru: My my, Sasori, it's been far too long. 

(Y/N): Shit!! Not him again!! 

Orochimaru then appears. 

Orochimaru: Oh come on. By all means go on with your conversation, it was really interesting indeed!! 

Kabuto activated his chakra scalpel and prepared to swing it to Orochimaru, but he DIDN'T!! 

No he swung it at you and Yamato. 

You both turned back to normal. 

Yamato: You must have been onto us this whole time!!! 

Kabuto: Of course. And for your information, I'd never betray Lord Orochimaru. I'm his humble and loyal servant to the end. I will always believe in his ideals and no one else's. 

Orochimaru: Well said Kabuto. (Y/N) it's been too long. You can tell your brother and your little girlfriends to come out now. 


Yamato: I don't know, but it looks like the others can come out now. 

(Y/N): Alright guys, you can come out now. 

Everyone else comes out of the trees. 

Sonata: Hello Snake-man! 

Anko: Orochimaru!! It's been far too long. 

Aria: You sick bastard, I can't believe you were old friends with that creepier freak!! 

Adagio: Now we're going to deal with you, and your four-eyed boot-liking lackey!! 

Orochimaru: Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and Anko!! My old pupils, it's so good to see you again! And of course it's little Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, the little kunoichis, and you Naruto. 

Rainbow: Yeah great to see you too Snake Bastard. 

Kabuto: I suppose you guys want Sasuke right?



(Y/N): Come on, tell us now!! 

Orochimaru: And what if we don't? 

Naruto growled in anger.

Naruto: Sasuke .......... GIVE HIM BACK TO US!! 

Orochimaru: Kabuto, you deal with Yamato and the little girls. I'll deal with (Y/N) and Naruto. 

Kabuto: Of course Lord Orochimaru.

You and Naruto chase after Orochimaru. 

Soon enough you stop in the middle of a grassy area. 

Orochimaru: Now then, let's play for a bit. 

Orochimaru lifts his eye down to freak you guys both out. 


Orochimaru: Let's see who's really stronger. You both, or Sasuke. 

Orochimaru extended his arms into long snake ropes and tried to grip both of you. 

(Y/N): Ice Style: Ice Chains. 

You summon the ice chains and tie Orochimaru down! 

Orochimaru tries to break free, but Naruto and you use a double Rasengan and send him flying into a tree. 

(Y/N) and Naruto: RASENGAN!! 

Orochimaru is bleeding heavily. 

Orochimaru: HOW ABOUT THIS!! Orochimaru summons snakes to attack you both, but Naruto uses the Nine Tails Chakra and hits Orochimaru violently. 

(Y/N): How do you like that!! And eat this!! Fire Style: FIRE STAR!! 

A Fire Star blows up Orochimaru. His clothes are damaged, and he is wounded and breathing heavily. 

Orochimaru: Heh heh heh heh!! Is that all? You're both worse than my Sasuke. 


Naruto's skin turns red/orange, his teeth become fangs, and he explodes in anger!! 

(Y/N): NO!! 

Shukaku: This isn't going to end well. 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 2 (male reader x Naruto and Mlp EG harem)Where stories live. Discover now