Hunt Down Itachi!!!/Sasuke vs. Deidara!!

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You wake up in your bed smothered by Tsunade, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Kurenai, and Shizune!! 

(Y/N): Hello my loves!!! 

Girls: Hello (Y/N)!!!

You kiss all of them good morning!!!

(Y/N): Alright then, I'm going to make some breakfast!! Anyone hungry!! 

Kurenai: I really need to eat!! I'm starving!! 

Sonata: So do I!! I need a rice ball stat!!!

Tsunade: I'm so parched that I could drink a whole jug of sake!!! 

Shizune: LADY TSUNADE!!!! 

Tsunade: I'm just kidding!! Sheesh, did you actually think I was going to do something like that?! 

Adagio: Knowing how much you drink, yes we thought you were actually going to go through with it!! 

Tsunade: That goes to show you, that you guys can't always take me seriously!!!!

(Y/N): Right. Got that! 

You go to make a nice nutritious breakfast for everyone!! Making sure that nothing in the fridge is spoiled, and nothing is past its expiration date!! 

Aria: So, what's on the agenda?! 

(Y/N): I don't know really! I guess I'm going to be the new leaders of both Team Kurenai and Team Asuma!! 

Tsunade: Which I happily agreed to of course!! 

 Anyway, you and the girls all sit down at the table and eat your breakfast, however upon leaving, you guys see Anko at the door. 

(Y/N): Anko!! 

Anko: (Y/N), I need to talk to you immediately!! 

(Y/N): Really?! Is it urgent? 

Anko: Yes!!! And all of you need to know this!! 

Adagio: What is it?! 

Anko: It's Orochimaru, he's dead!!! 

You and the others stayed silent for quite awhile, until- 

Everyone in the household: WHAT?!?!?!?!!! 

(Y/N): No, that can't be!!! Orochimaru can't just die like that!!! He's really strong, and too smart to let himself get killed!!! 

Anko: It's true though, Sasuke was the one responsible for it too!! 

Aria: I feel like I should be happy that that Snake Bastard is gone!!! But it just doesn't feel right!! 

(Y/N): Alright, you girls head to the office, I'm going to go find Naruto and Sakura!! 

Girls: Right!! 

You quickly rush off to find your brother and Sakura!! And just as you are going to Naruto's apartment, you already bump into your kid brother, who is walking with Sakura and Hinata!! 

Naruto: OW HEY WATCH IT BUSTER WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE- (Y/N)?! What are you doing?! 

(Y/N): It's urgent news!! Naruto, Sakura come with me!! 

Sakura: What's going on? 

Hinata: Is there something wrong?! 

(Y/N): Very wrong, Hinata, nice to see you again, but I'm going to borrow Naruto and Sakura for awhile!! 

You grab both your brother and your pink-haired feisty girlfriend and pull them all the way to Tsunade's office!!! You just so happen to see Jiraiya in there as well. 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 2 (male reader x Naruto and Mlp EG harem)Where stories live. Discover now