Killing the Immortals!

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You knew that the Akatsuki member known as Kakazu and Hidan would return, so you began to discuss to Tsunade about what you wanted to do. 

Tsunade: What?! You want to go after them, and get revenge!! This is so unlike you! 

(Y/N): I have to do this Tsunade! Asuma was a good man! Look at how this has affected Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, and Kurenai. Shikamaru does nothing but look at his Shogi board, and keeps a packet of cigars around. Choji spends all his time eating, crying, and taking his anger out on his training. Ino barely leaves her house. And I'm doing everything I can to take care of Kurenai, who is now part of the harem. AND IS PREGNANT!! 

Tsunade: Look are you sure you want to do this? 

(Y/N): Yes! I'm going to be the official leader of Team Asuma from now on. I'll lead the three of them, and probably with Kakashi, Celestia, and Luna too. I need as much back up as I can get against those sick bastards! 

Tsunade sighs. 

Tsunade: Alright then, if you insist. I'll authorize it! 

(Y/N): Good. And I want you to help Kurenai move in to the house too please. 

Tsunade: Don't worry. I'll do that too. 

(Y/N): Okay! I promise you, I will come back victorious. 

Tsunade: I hope you do. 

You and Tsunade kiss. 

(Y/N): Now I'll be back. 

You grab all of your stuff, and prepare to head out to battle against Kakazu and Hidan. 

(Y/N): Before I head out, I need to find Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino, as well as Kakashi, Celestia, and Luna. 

You head out to the Nara Household. 

(Y/N): Shikamaru, I need your help. We're going to go out there and make those Akatsuki Bastards pay for what they've done. 

Shikamaru comes out of the house. 

Shikamaru: How can I be sure that you have a plan? 

(Y/N): I do, but I need someone smarter than me to help. And the best one I can think of, is you. But we also need Choji and Ino. 

Shikamaru: I'll go find them and tell them the plan. But what are you going to do? 

(Y/N): I'm going to go and find Kakashi, Celestia, and Luna. They're skills will be needed to take them down. 

Shikamaru: Alright, let's hope this isn't a waste. Or else I will say that this is a drag. 

(Y/N): I assure you that it won't be a drag. 

You head out to the Leaf Training Grounds, and find Kakashi, Celestia, Luna, and Yamato training Naruto to master his element. 

Naruto: Alright I almost got it down!! 

Yamato: Good, we've been training for a while now!! And you're strength is literally unbearable!! 

(Y/N): Guys!! Those Akatsuki Bastards who murdered Asuma are going to be coming back soon. And I need your help to finish them off for good. 

Celestia: So for revenge? (Y/N), I didn't think you would come up with this. 

(Y/N): I'm doing it to protect everyone in the village, and to make sure that Asuma can rest in peace. 

Kakashi: If you're sure about this, then I'll help. 

Luna: And we're not going to let you do this alone. 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 2 (male reader x Naruto and Mlp EG harem)Where stories live. Discover now