Chapter 5: Parents

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I wait for my coffee at Bib's Coffee Shop. Last night was a success, but of course I'm exhausted. I check my phone, 7:25 am. I look around the shop. This place is usually booming at this time. Are people really that scared to go out in public?


I jump from being startled. "I'm right here, John, no need to yell. Place is empty." He looks at me apologetic. "Sorry, Rachel. Guess it's a habit. Have you heard any news about this case?" I grab my coffee from him and shake my head. "Nope, nothing new. I just hope they find the person soon so this town can go back to normal." 

He looks me in the eyes and say, "This town will never be normal again." 

I slowly nod and raise my cup to thank him as I head out. Never be normal again. Never be normal again. Will I ever be normal again? I take a sip from my coffee, pushing back any thoughts about being normal, and begin to walk back to my apartment. As I turn the corner on my street, I look up at my apartment building and stop. Do I really want to be cooped up in there for another day? Alone...with my thoughts?

I turn on my heel and head in the other direction. Towards my parents house. They have been blowing my phone up since this whole thing happened. They keep asking me if I know anything as if I'm the one investigating. And let's not forget about the hundreds of texts from my mother explaining her theories about everyone in town. I've given up trying to tell her to stop because she won't. As I walk to their house I begin to wonder if this is such a good idea. 

Being patronized by my parents and then being told countless theories that make no sense. Then lets take a trip down my love life and why I haven't committed to anyone yet. How I spend too much time alone in my apartment with my turtle and how I should quit my job and go back to school. While we're at it, let's throw in some jokes about how I failed at traveling when I was so determined to do so. Do I really want to go over there?

....Better than being at home alone.

I walk up their driveway to their front porch. Here goes nothing. 


I take another sip of coffee to keep my lips warm. "Well, who the hell could be at our door with a damn killer on the loose!" I hear my mom's voice, followed by my dad's, "Be careful honey! It could be the killer!" I sigh. Like the killer would ring your doorbell first... 

My mom looks through the curtains on the side and yells, "David, its Rachel!" She unlocks the multiple locks on their door. Must be newly installed. She swings the door open and says, "Come in honey! Get out of that cold!" I walk into their warm cozy home. Memories flash of me running through the house as a kid, careless and free. I smile. "Honey, you must be crazy. You are the only one who will walk around freely with a killer on the loose." I look at her and say, "Bravery."

My dad turns the corner and says, "Stupidity." I look at him and say, "There's my loving father!" He waves off my sarcasm and asks, "Why didn't you drive over here? It's too cold and dangerous to be walking about."

I decide to continue my sarcasm, "But, what if the killer was in my backseat? Or in my trunk!? I could've brought him straight to you guys...then....then...he would've rung your doorbell!" 

My dad grows angry, "You and that smart mouth are going to get you in trouble one day." He walks away into the living room. My mom and I follow. I laugh and say, "I'm just joking dad. I stopped at Bib's coffee this morning and decided to drop by. It was a spontaneous decision. Not planned." He sits down in his chair, looks at me, and scoffs. My mom leads me to the couch and ushers me to sit down. "You want some cookies, honey? You're so thin." Not wanting to argue, "Sure mom, thanks." She hurries off into the kitchen. My dad says, "You need to be more careful. I know your mother and I have all these theories, but when it comes down to the facts, Anne was your friend and she was found slaughtered at your job." 

I look down at my hands and start fidgeting. "I know dad. I will be. I promise I'm not being reckless." My mom comes back into the living, tray full of cookies and hot tea. She sits it down on the coffee table and takes a seat next to me. "Now honey, you've been dodging our texts. Are there any new leads?" I laugh and say, "Mom, why would I know if there are any new leads?" She says, "Well, it's basically your store. Wouldn't they keep you updated?" 

I shake my head, "No mom, only people who keep me informed are the ones who really own the store so we know when we can get back to work." She pours herself and I a cup of tea and says, "Well, they need to make you the owner of the store." My dad butts in and says, "More like you need to leave that store and go back to school."

Here we go...

"David! She is perfectly fine where she is. So honey, any new boys you're interested in?" 

"Mom! No! Remember, there's a killer on the loose?" She claps her hands and says, "Why would you care? You're out here walking around like there isn't one. You know, you need to find a nice boy and settle down. You spend too much time at work and alone with that turtle. Why couldn't you have gotten a dog?"

I let out a groan, "Mom really? Every time with this. I love my job, I love my turtle, I love my life!" Do I? "Can you just leave me be?" I take my tea aggressively and take a sip. Again, my dad butts in, "Mary, you know this will pass. Just like the whole traveling thing."

They both laugh. That's it! "You know what, you guys are just....just.." My dad says, "Watch it." I yell, "YOU GUYS ARE INCONSIDERATE!" I put my cup down and run upstairs to my old room. I slam the door behind me and lock it. I slide down against the door, on the verge of tears. I bring my knees to my chest, resting my elbows on my knees and place my hands on top of my head. I take deep breaths until I can feel myself calm down. 

After awhile I look up, and scan my room. They kept it exactly the same when I left. Must be waiting for me to fail. I get up and sit on my bed. I check my phone, 12:36 pm. The caffeine has worn off. I can feel the tiredness creepy up my body. I give in as I lay back and drift off to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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