Part 1

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"Girl I'm telling u, u gotta leave him as soon as u can" Amber says as we lean over the counter. "fuck all that love shit, this not how love supposed to be"

"idgaf if u in love with his ass, he gotta go" she says pouring herself a drink.

Me and Rakeem have been dating for about 2 years. It's gotten super toxic tho. He just not himself anymore.

I'm not one of those bitches that stick around in abusive relationships, but damn the way it's been going maybe I am one of those bitches.

Rakeem was my first love, after 2 years I can't imagine not being with him. I've grown too attached to him which is a bad thing cause I know he's no good for me. All he's done is leave me heartbroken with trust issues.

Come closer by Drake plays on the speakers. "Its our songgg" Amber says pulling me by arm where everyone's dancing.

Girls twerking on guys, guys catching bubbles, people smoking, a typical Friday night at Rakeems. Rakeem throws the biggest parties in the city.

I start vibing to the music with Amber knowing damn well I should go be going back to find Rakeem now.

I feel two hands on my waist and turn around to face Rakeem's friend, Jordan. I move his arms from my waist but he just keeps moving closer.

"The fuck is u doing" I say pushing him back. "Rakeem don't gotta know shit" he says with a smirk plastered on his face. He puts his hand on my lower back, I turn around to leave and bump right into Rakeems chest.

"Rakeem I was about to look for u-" I say but get interrupted by him. "nah but u grinding on my boy instead eh"

"bro watch ur shordy she just randomly came onto me" Jordan says sheepishly. "man what.. don't play with me" I say to Jordan.

I turn around to face Rakeem. "he's lying he came onto me". Rakeem scoffs.

He walks away from the crowd and starts walking upstairs. I run after him.

I follow him into an empty room. I grab his arm. "Rakeem what the fuck, do u really believe his drunk ass"

"Nah I don't, but you've been moving like a hoe Amelia"

Moving like a hoe? Says the one who texts other bitches and who knows probably fucks them too and tells me I'm doing too much when I confront him about it.

"how're u gonna tell me I'm moving like a hoe when you've been-" The things I wanna say to this boy but let me not waste my breath.

"I don't wanna hear nun from u, ur a whor-" he cuts himself off. But I already know what he was gonna say.

    I feel my face getting heated. I cross my arms and sit on the bed.

    "baby, u know I didn't mean that" he says climbing on the bed to sit beside me.

    "I don't wanna he-" I get interrupted by someone at the door. "Rakeeeem where'd u go, we ain't even get to finish"

    I turn around to face the door and see a half naked girl leaning on the door frame.

   I get up and storm towards the door, tears already forming in my eyes. But Rakeem gets to the door first and shuts it on the girl.

   "it's not what it looks like amelia" he says grabbing my arm so I can't leave.

   "so what is it then huh?" I say catching my breath between tears. Damn why do I gotta be so sensitive.

   Rakeem stays silent and looks down. "This is fucking over Rakeem and I don't mean over for a day, and then u call saying sorry nah fuck that shit we done fr"

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