5. My city

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    Graduation is just around the corner in a month, which means it's almost summer break. I do have a lot of plans and goals for the future which starts with going to college but I'm taking a break year to get my life together before applying to colleges. Plus I gotta start saving up for that.

It's not easy going to school while worrying about the rent money and running the house cause I know damn well my mom ain't doing none of that, she never has and never will.

       It's Saturday now, it's been 5 days since I've broken up with Rakeem and since I've talked to Tione. I've been focusing on school and work.

       As I get ready for work I blast Girls in the hood by Megan Thee Stallion. I'm trying not to let my breakup phase me by listening to songs that make me feel like a bad bitch without Rakeem. 

        "Cause the girls in the hood are always hard, ever since sixteen I been havin a job" I rap along at the top of my lungs since I'm home alone.

      Once I'm done getting ready I catch the bus to get to work. I have a short shift today and I plan on going home and crashing because of how tired I am.

*time skip*
       After my shifts over I start wiping down the tables before closing up. I hear a loud ass bang on the door and turn to see Amber walking in.

       "Hey bitch I know ur almost off so what we doin after this" She says jumping on the table to sit on it after I just wiped it.

       "Sis if u don't get ur ass off that table" I grab her arm to help her down.

        "Ugh ur boring let's go" She grabs my bag and sweater motioning me towards the door. I finish wiping the last table and follow her out locking the door behind me.

      I follow her into her car. She puts in an address "where tf we going" I ask curious.

      "there's a party" she shrugs. "we don't gotta drink or anything let's just go vibe"

       I groan just wanting to be in my bed right now. "first of all I'm in my work clothes" I say looking down.

       "That's why I brought ur ass clothes" she grabs a bag from the backseat and hits me with it. "So get ur complaining ass in the backseat and change"

        I open the door to go to the backseat cursing under my breath knowing Ambers not gonna take no for an answer. I open the bag to see baggy sweatpants and a crop top. At least she brought me comfy but still cute clothes. I shrug before putting it on.

        Once we get to the party the smell of weed hits my nose before we even get out of the car.

        I check my phone to see 13 unread messages from Tione. I haven't bothered to even look at them because that's the last thing on my mind right now.

      Once we get in the house we find a chill place to sit and vibe by ourselves.

      Amber rambles on about her day until she's interrupted by Kelan. Amber and Kelan have been talking on and off for a while now.

     "Y'all ladies look beautiful" Kelan says with his attention on Amber. Amber blushes and tucks her hair behind her ear. "Mind if I steal her from u" he says reverting his attention to me. "Nah go ahead" I say.

     Amber gets up and follows Kelans lead. She turns around and gives me the I'm getting sum d tonight look. I chuckle and put my feet up on the couch and rest my head on the arm.

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