2. Resume

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I wake up and first thing I do is check my phone. 2pm. Damn Amelia nice. Thought I'd take the advantage of sleeping in since I don't have a morning shift.

I leave my room to see my mom still passed out on the couch. I tip toe across the house being careful to not wake her up. Kahlil is still sleeping so I leave him a few bills to get something to eat when he's up.

I head to the washroom and put my curls into a bun and lay my edges. I notice the bruise from last night remembering what happened. I've gotten so used to this that it's just normal to me now. I use some concealer to cover the bruise and my under eyes.

     I hear my phone ringing and I run over to grab it. Please be Rakeem. A voice in my head says. No wtf Amelia we hate him.

      I grab my phone to see Ambers name. I sigh and pick up. "sis I know u have so much to tell me I'm getting braids in, this finna  take a while I have all day" she says.

    "oh you know just the regular..." I hear her sighing at the other end. "bitch if u don't leave that nigga i'll kill him with my own hands" I laugh but then stop when I realize Ambers crazy ass could really pull that off.

  "I'm done with him" I pause thinking about the 100 times i've said those exact same words. "and fr this time"

   "mhm" she replies. "gotta get to work i'll holla at u after my shift" I say before hanging up.

    I leave the house locking the door behind me.

    As I'm heading towards the bus stop I hear a familiar voice. "Why u walking so quick shawty" I turn around to face my neighbour Antwon. Antwon's about 25 or older and although he's nice and been there for Kahlil and I when no one else was, something about him just doesn't sit right with me.

    "Just trying not to miss the bus" I chuckle awkwardly. "Well u looking fine today I ain't gone lie" He says slurring his words clearly on some drugs. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

   I remove his hand just when the bus stops. Right on time. I mean mug him before climbing on.

I grab a seat at the back and plug my headphones in until the bus reaches my workplace. I work as a waitress at a cafe not too far from where I live.

I get off the bus that stops right in-front of it. I head in to see Jamila working, my favourite co worker. She's a few years older than me about 26 years old. I hug her as I put my purse in the back and my apron on.

"How are you and how's Kyrie" I ask her. Kyrie's her 3 year old son that she raises alone. "not bad, we've been better though" she smiles.

"How's that little boyfriend of yours- what was his name Raheem?" She says as she starts washing the dishes. I laugh at the fact that she'll never get his name right. "uh Rakeem, and we not together any more"

   "Let's see how long it'll last this time". She says under her breath looking at me through the corner of her eye. We talk to each other about everything, it gets boring just waiting around for customers.

     By the time my shifts over it's 12pm and hella dark out. Usually Rakeem would drop me home because he wouldn't want me bussing at this time but I guess I have no choice now.

     I close up with Jamila who lives just a few blocks away and head towards the bus stop waving goodbye to her.

    I anxiously stand waiting for the bus. A few crackheads passed out down the street. A group of men standing around near me passing a blunt around laughing loud as fuck.

     I put in my headphones and just stare at the sky. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump back startled. "What the fuck nigga don't do that" I say startled looking at Tione. The last person I'd expect to see right now. I'm assuming he came out the convenient store across the street.

   "Damn didn't mean to scare u like dat" he says laughing. "what you doing out here this late" he says throwing his spliff out.

    "waiting for the bus what does it look like I'm doing" I say not realizing the amount of attitude I'm giving him. "well shit lemme give u a ride it's not safe for u to be out here alone at this time"

  "Nah i'm good, thanks though" I say putting my headphone back in. I know exactly how guys like Tjay are, they get all friendly with girls just to fuck.

    "Damn, you stubborn as fuck I'm already heading ur way" he says.

     I look at the time noticing the bus is late and sigh. "you know what okay" I say. I never depend on people for little favours like this because you'll never know when they'll hold it against you but shit ain't no body tryna hop on the bus this late.

   I follow him to his car and he opens the passenger door for me. I shake my head. "No need to do all that"

    He shrugs. "Clearly you ain't ever been with a real nigga" he says lowkey throwing shade at Rakeem.

   "it's like you my uber driver now" I joke. "you ain't have to kill the vibe like that, i'm just a nice nigga what can I say"

   I chuckle. "Ok.. whatever you say".

   "Someone really needs to fuck that attitude out of you" he says looking at the road ahead of him. "Excuse me" I say raising my eyebrow at him.

   "U heard me" he smirks. "All this damn attitude for no reason"

   He pulls up at big ass house. Yup this the moment where i'm getting kidnapped. "This ain't my house" I say confused.

   "Yeah no shit it's mine, just need to grab something then I'm heading towards your crib and I'll drop you" he says as I stare at him with a blank look on my face. "aight?"

   "ugh fine, just hurry up" I say crossing my arms. A few mins later he comes back and places something in the trunk.

"aight lets go" he says as he stares right into my soul. "what" I say getting uncomfortable. I really can't stand when people look at me dead in the eyes while talking.

"Nun I just don't get how u look this bad even with ur work uniform on" he says casually turning his attention to the steering wheel. I can't help but smile, it's been a minute since I've gotten a genuine compliment. He turns the speakers up and plays his song "resume".

"u don't look too bad urself" I say chuckling avoiding eye contact. "Look at me" he says. I look up at him as he puts his hand on my thigh. He comes closer and puts his lips on mine. I can't help but kiss back. I move my head back realizing what I just did.

I still love Rakeem, I shouldn't have kissed another nigga so quick.

He smirks and pulls out of his driveway. The ride back was quick and quiet. "Uh thanks" I say putting my hand on the door handle. He just nods.

I remove my hand from the door handle and drop my phone back into my lap. I put my hand on his face and turn it towards me connecting my lips with his. My hand on his chest. I can tell he was caught off guard. I smirk opening the car door and getting out.

Something about kissing Tione felt so right, kissing him made me feel ways I've never felt while kissing Rakeem.

I enter the house to see Kahlil sleeping in his room and my mom no where to be seen.

I call Amber to let her know what the fuck just happened. "Hold on I'll call you back" I hang up on her to pick up another call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I say confused.

"Amelia, it's Rakeem"

Shits about to get interesting 🤧
Ya'll let me know how u feel about it so far, ily if ur reading 🥺🥺

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