Act Two (part 2)

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(A few scenes later)

Mal and Ben were walking on stage to meet up.

"Brady, did you see that?" Mal asked walking towards him.

"Yeah!" Ben answered walking towards her too. "And it's the final warning before the big storm." Ben mentioned. "Les' plan is working."

"Okay. Okay, we need to get back into the lighthouse to try and stop them." Mal explained climbing on top of a prop rock. "But we need the element of surprise." Mal looked around. "Do you think we can get into it from the water?" Then Mal pretended to fall back as a splash sound effect went off.

"Mack! Mack, you okay?" Ben ran over.

Mal jumped up with an unhappy look on her face. She started running her fingers through her hair.

"Hair." Mal stated.

"Hair?" Ben questioned.

"Hair! Hair!" Mal was shouting as Ben was giving her a confused look. Then Mal ducked down and jumped back up.

Then Ben realized what she was talking about. "You hair isn't wet."

"My hair isn't wet!" Mal repeated.

"What does that mean?" Ben wondered.

"It means that my hair isn't wet!" Mal was freaking out.

"And that means?" Ben asked trying to get answers.

"We're morphing, changing, Brady, we're morphing into the movie." Mal started explaining.

"We're changing?" Ben questioned.

"We're changing." Mal replied. "What are we gonna do...." Mal said in a singing voice. Then she covered her mouth.

"You're singing." Ben told her.

"I'm singing..." Mal responded.

"Why are you singing?" Ben asked.

"I don't know I suddenly just..." Mal continued singing and ran to the left as Ben ran after her.

"Broke into song?" Ben questioned.

"We're part of an involuntary musical number." Mal told him. "Stop!"

"Stop!" Ben yelled.

"I can't stop..." Mal jumped and ran a little again.

Ben ran up to her. "Stop!" Ben repeated.

"I can't stop..." Mal sang.

"This isn't good. First the rash guard vanishes, then your hair, now this." Ben was saying.

Then someone walked by pretending to play the ukulele as music started.

"What's going on?

This can't be happening

Don't tell me it's a song!" Mal sang getting upset.

"It's a song!" Ben sang.

"This wasn't how I planned it

Can't you see that this has gone too far?

Please just pause the DVR!

Someone won't you make it STOP!

I'm losin' my mind." Mal continued trying to make herself stop dancing.

She ran over and something forced her to sit down.

"I don't see your problem." Ben sang and walked over and was forced down next to her.

"Everything I say, it rhymes!

More Than Friends (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now