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As the Todoroki's got closer to their home, Touya couldn't help but think about  Keigo, his eyes in particular, those golden brown eyes that could so easily melt him in an instant, that he could stare into forever, oh and his smile, his bright, warming smile that could light up the whole city if it wanted to. Touya and Keigo kept meeting up nearly every day but one day was different, they were in their 'secret spot' as they would call it, it was a big clearing in the woods surrounded by trees and just the right amount of sunlight always got in through the branches. The two were sitting on a big rock together just talking about their lives when suddenly Keigo began to speak.

"Listen, Touya, I know how hard it is for you..all of it just your life is always so confusing and unpredicting and overall just rough, and I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what, whenever and wherever you need me, I'm here for you and I want you to know that so if you ever need to talk you can always come to me no matter what, I'll always be here for you and though I may not know exactly what you might be going through, I can still help you get through it and I can handle it, maybe even handle it better than I handle my own problems because my problems usually end up getting pushed all the way back in the corner of my mind and they're normally there for so long that they're forgotten about. Now I know this the who knows what time I've said this but I really genuinely care about you, and when someone says that it sometimes has a different meaning than what it is meant to mean, example; sometimes when someone says 'I'm here for you' they mean, 'yeah I'm here but I really would rather not so I honestly hope you don't take me on with this'  or sometimes it means, 'I'm here for you but not for long'  see? different interpretations. But now when I say 'I'm here for you' I mean it genuinely, lovingly, because what we have is different than any other kind of friendship, it's more than that..I love you Touya.."  Keigo finally finished, looking down. Touya looked at Keigo for a minute in disbelief before taking his index finger and lifting Keigo's head to face him, "Keigo..I love you too.."  Touya said as a single tear rolled down his cheek whereas Keigo's eyes were practically raining by now, "W-wait?!" The ash blonde questioned, blushing furiously, "Yeah of course." Touya replied, smiling warmly at Keigo with a slight blush "Thanks Keigo, I didn't realize how much I really needed to hear that." Touya said as he wrapped Keigo in a warm hug. Keigo hugged Touya back tightly, "glad I could help" he said, resting his chin on Touya's shoulder, then he quickly lifted his head and kissed Touya on the cheek then he quickly buried his face in Touya's chest. "Heh..cute little birdie." The redhead said as he stroked Keigo's head.

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