First Fight

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"Heros.." Dabi mumbled to himself after being in a fight with one of the lower ranked heros, and winning of course "god they're so annoying..and it's not like any of them actually care about saving people..they just want the fame and glory..reminds me of Enji..some father he was.." He said as he got closer to an alley when suddenly he got pushed back against a wall with a blade to his throat. "What are you doing here villain?" The blonde asked in a threatening way, "actually I was just going back to my base but now that your here.." The scarred villain started with a smirk, staring dead into the hero's golden brown eyes, "I guess I'm fighting you." He said, reaching up and twisting the blonde's wrist and proceeding to burn it. Hawks quickly grabbed one of his larger feathers and took a swing at Dabi's arm, the villain pulled his arm away and examined it for a few seconds, not realizing Hawks, getting a handful of his larger feathers and as soon as Dabi looked up, the hero threw all of the feathers at him, some of which cutting his face and arms, others skinning him or pinning his clothes to the wall. The villain smiled despite this situation "heh you put up a good fight hero.." He said, pulling some of the feather blades out if his clothes, "You have nowhere to go villain. Your cornered." Hawks threatened, "maybe not but I can do this.." Dabi said before sending a huge blast of fire at Hawks and running off "Cya around hero!" Dabi said as he ran towards the LOV Headquarters. 'Well little've really gotten good at fighting..' Dabi thought to himself as he slowed down. As Hawks finally managed to get up he could only think about that villain's they were so sad, so intimidating, so broken, yet so warming and calming, and most of all how much that villain reminded him of Touya but that wasn't possible..was it?

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